please someone give me some idea to write this program

Write a C++ program that has class

1) math
Math class has only one data member number and member function display that will display the data member number.
Write the constructor of your math class that will initialize the data member number with the value zero.
Program will overload the following operators.
1. Plus +
2. Minus -
3. Multiplication *
After overloading these three operators program will be able to add, subtract and multiply your math class object with the integer in main() after overloading these operators you should be able to write these statements in main().
math obj1, obj2;
obj1= obj2 + 10;
Above statement will call the member function operator + () and will add the 10 in the data member of obj2 and finally will return the math class object. Similarly you also overload the multiplication operator * and minus operator – so that your math class object will be able to multiply and subtract from integer values.

Also your plus + overloaded operator should be intelligent enough to accommodate the following statement in the main() function.

math obj1, obj2;
obj2= 10 + obj1;

for this you will have to write friend function that will be called automatically and will add the integer value 10 in the data member of obj1 and finally will return the math class object . Similarly write two more friend functions that will overload the multiplication and subtraction operator so that you will be able to write the following statement in the main() function.

math obj1, obj2;
obj2= 10 *obj1;
obj2= 10 - obj1;

Your output should be similar to the following:

Sample output 1:

adding integer 10 in the object using statement: obj= obj + 10 ;
adding integer 10 in the object using statement: obj= 10 + obj;
Multiplying object with integer 20 using statement: obj= obj * 20 ;
Multiplying integer 20 with object using statement: obj= 20 * obj ;
Subtracting 20 from object using statement: obj= obj - 20 ;
Subtracting object from 10 using statement: obj= 10 - obj ;

Follow the instructions as best you can to begin developing some code. When you get stuck, post the code you have (within code tags) and any error messages you get; then you can ask a more specific question. And "I don't even know where to begin" is not the kind of post that will get much attention --please read the Announcement -- especially when the instructions provide many clues .


class math

      i= 0;
   math(int i )
      i = i;

   int operator+ ( int x)

   int operator-(int x)
      return(i -x );

   int operator*(int x)

   friend int operator +( int x , math obj)
      return( x+obj.i);

   friend int operator -( int x , math obj)
      return(x - (obj.i) );

   friend int operator *( int x , math obj)
   void Display()
      cout << "i=" << i << endl;


   int i;


int main()

   math obj1, obj2, obj3;
   obj2= obj1 + 20 ;
   obj3 = 20 + obj1;

   return 0;


<< moderator edit: added code tags and indenting >>

But I like the suggestion from Dave. We should first try to write the code and when we get stuck somewhere then we can post any errors which we are getting.


To grab from the standard namespace, you'll need to say so. For now, just do this to get cout and endl.

using namespace std;

This doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

math(int i )
      i = i;

Perhaps do something like this so it's easier to figure out which is who. [edit]Function definitions don't end with a semicolon after the closing brace.[/edit]

math(int init)
      i = init;

Here it would be a good idea to initialize obj1. [edit]Oops. C-mode. Forgot about default constructor.[/edit]

int main()

   math obj1, obj2, obj3;
   obj2= obj1 + 20 ;
   obj3 = 20 + obj1;

   return 0;


And don't forget to ask questions when you post your code.

Correct Dave

sorry (i have posted a message in the wrong thread) (i have to learn using tabs in firefox :o )

i write following program but my program does not run and not given required output. please someone check this and correct this or write this in better form.thanks. program and coding is given below:

Write a C++ program that has class

1) math
Math class has only one data member number and member function display that will display the data member number.
Write the constructor of your math class that will initialize the data member number with the value zero.
Program will overload the following operators.
1. Plus +
2. Minus -
3. Multiplication *
After overloading these three operators program will be able to add, subtract and multiply your math class object with the integer in main() after overloading these operators you should be able to write these statements in main().
math obj1, obj2;
obj1= obj2 + 10;
Above statement will call the member function operator + () and will add the 10 in the data member of obj2 and finally will return the math class object. Similarly you also overload the multiplication operator * and minus operator – so that your math class object will be able to multiply and subtract from integer values.

Also your plus + overloaded operator should be intelligent enough to accommodate the following statement in the main() function.

math obj1, obj2;
obj2= 10 + obj1;

for this you will have to write friend function that will be called automatically and will add the integer value 10 in the data member of obj1 and finally will return the math class object . Similarly write two more friend functions that will overload the multiplication and subtraction operator so that you will be able to write the following statement in the main() function.

math obj1, obj2;
obj2= 10 *obj1;
obj2= 10 - obj1;

Your output should be similar to the following:

Sample output 1:

adding integer 10 in the object using statement: obj= obj + 10 ;
adding integer 10 in the object using statement: obj= 10 + obj;
Multiplying object with integer 20 using statement: obj= obj * 20 ;
Multiplying integer 20 with object using statement: obj= 20 * obj ;
Subtracting 20 from object using statement: obj= obj - 20 ;
Subtracting object from 10 using statement: obj= 10 - obj ;


class mth
    friend class number;
        class math():
            int (0){}
void print member (){
operator float();
object add (+);
object sub(-);
object multi (*);
//The implementation is object:add,sub,multi,}
//friend functions
friend float add both(class math,number class);
friend float sub both(class math,number class);
friend float multi both(class math,number class);
class number
    float value;
       number class()
       //friend functions
friend float add both(class math,number class);
friend float sub both(class math,number class);
friend float multi both(class math,number class);

void int main()
    mth obj1,obj2;
  char choice;
  cout<<"pleae enter one of the operator +,-,*:";
  if (choice=='+')
  {cout<<"adding integer 10 in the object using statement:";
  if (choice=='+')
  {cout<<"adding object 10 in the object using statement:";

  if (choice=='*')
  {cout<<"multi object 20 in the object using statement:";
  if (choice=='*')
  {cout<<"multi integer 20 in the object using statement:";
  if (choice=='-')
  {cout<<"sub  20 from the object using statement:";
  if (choice=='-')
  {cout<<"sub  obj from 10 using statement:";

I suggest you actually read your C++ book before trying to write a program of any complexity. You have mistakes that should not be made by someone who has paid attention in class.

Threads merged.

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