I have a form with a datagrid, few buttons, and textboxes. I can add the new record in data table and can display in datagrid. The problem is that... the new record which i have inserted in data table is been displayed at the last row of datagrid which i am having trouble finding it out whether the data is been inserted or not.

1. my question is how to display new record / row inserted in datagrid at the first, so that i can see the data is been added.

2. how to display numbers of record which i have seleted in data grid e.g. 1 of 20 when i select first row and 2 of 20 when i select second row. i can display only total number of records of datagrid.

Can anyone tell me how to ?



You can sort your datagrid in decending or ascending order.
You can find an example, here.

Thanks for your help.. well m looking at the link which you have provided and will let u know.


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