i have got 2 cpp files & a header file, which i have included in all 2 cpp files. its like this

extern uint32_t key;

#include "abc.h"
uint32_t key;
int main

#include "abc.h"

int main
printf("Key: %.8x\n", key);

now when i compile a.cpp, there is no error. but when i compile b.cpp it gives error
"undefined reference to `key'". please help me in finding the problem in this code. thnx

You have to declare key inside b.cpp

#include "a.cpp"
int main
extern uint32_t key;
printf("Key: %.8x\n", key);

P.S. Always use Code Tags.

sorry. its not working

sorry. its not working

It's because you didn't do it correctly:

your middleware abc.h is blatant. I asked you to include extern statement in b.cpp
so a.cpp is

uint32_t key = 10;

[B]#include <stdio.h>[/B] //for stdio.h
[B]#include "a.cpp"[/B]
int main
extern uint32_t key;
printf("Key: %.8x\n", key);

EDIT: Do make sure stdint.h is included other wise instead of uint32_t user the good 'ol unsigned long int

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