My school and the education board uses Turbo C++ as the compiler. I have Windows 7 64 bit.
Can anyone tell me how can I install Turbo C++ on my computer.

chuck that damn compiler ..... its totally totally obsolete .
and btw it doesnt matter , because the tubro Cpp (SCHOOL programs ) programs will also run with gcc and MinGW , although there might be some finer nuances .. like using namespaces etc the other 2 are better than turbo cpp :P

Can anyone tell me how can I install Turbo C++ on my computer.

You can't without some hassles. Luckily, my friend faced a similar situation & I obliged him. You have to do follow the following:
a) Install DosBox
b) Run my app & set Targets to TC & DosBox
c) Click run.

The sole reason I made this was so that moronic teachers wouldn't crib about: "Kid, you're so arrogant to disobey you teachers. Who do you think you are to tell US what to do!!", when told to change compilers by me (and my friend when he said the same,Sigh!).

P.S. I had done this in a jiffy & so paid least attention on the interface (as I didn't think someone else might need to use it).

commented: Thanks for the info +28
commented: Helped me run Turbo C++ on 64bit W7 +1

Tell your school that you are unhappy about being taught using obsolete technology. Turbo C++ has no place in today's world, and insist that they provide you with an education which is relevent - i.e. by teaching you using modern material which works on modern compilers.

obsolete technology

I had an in-depth discussion with my Prinicpal before I passed out to replace PCs with C2D atleast. 2 years & school still hasn't get rid of it's P3s!! in a Lab which is "mentored" by INTEL. :-/

insist that they provide you with an education which is relevent

If you want something to be done correctly, you have to do it yourself, right.

Tell your school that you are unhappy about being taught using obsolete technology. Turbo C++ has no place in today's world, and insist that they provide you with an education which is relevent - i.e. by teaching you using modern material which works on modern compilers.

Our school has one of the most advanced PC's, the computer lab in our school is one of the most advanced in the city and my school is one of the elite schools in the city. We want to use Visual Studio as the main compiler but the education board of India - CBSE : Central Board of Secondary Education does not allow us to.

@dhruv_arora did you manage to run it on your 64-bit machine?

@dhruv_arora did you manage to run it on your 64-bit machine?

Turbo C++ worked fine, but it's almost useless. Although it compiles fine but and saves text and binary files perfectly but it won't run any program after compiling.

Turbo C++ worked fine, but it's almost useless. Although it compiles fine but and saves text and binary files perfectly but it won't run any program after compiling.

Means? When you try to Compile+Run or When you execute the exe again from Explorer?
If latter yes, EXEs compiled with this 16-bit compiler would not work on 64-bit Machine.

@Dhruv: The EXEs have to be run within DOSBox too.

@Dhruv: The EXEs have to be run within DOSBox too.

Thanks for the info.

Hello every one,i use turbo c++ for windows 7 32 bit.I am having problem that i cannot run it.after compiling the program i cannot run the program.pls help.

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