Hi everyone

I have a small program on ATM transaction that i did on console application in C++ and i am having difficulty converting it to GUI and i dont understand why.Here is the code if you can do it plz send me the coding i will gladly appreciate it


void main()
char indent;

Savings saving[3];
Checking check[3];
Account accoun[3];
int num=1001;
float moo;
for(int x=0;x<3;x++)
cout<<"\t\t*****This IS THE ACCOUNT NUMBER: "<<num<<"*****"<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter the type of transaction you want(c-checking and s-savings)";
        case 'c':
                cout<<"Enter monthly amount ";
        case 's':
                cout<<"Enter monthly amount ";
                cout<<"*******you entered the wrong data********\n" ;
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)

first off.. should be
#include <iostream>

second... don't use void main ()..

change to int main () {

and end with return 0;

#include <iostream>

int main (){
return 0;

>Here is the code if you can do it plz send me the coding
You want to give us a simple console mode program and have us write a complicated GUI interface for it because you're too lazy to do it yourself? Are you having difficulty because nobody is stupid enough to do this for you? Or are you having difficulty because you have no clue what you're doing?

You'll have better luck if you actually attempt to do it yourself, then ask for help and not handouts.

To my favourite moderator if you knew you were not going to be able to do it you could have just kept quiet and leave it to those who can and for your information i am doing the program and asking help from fellow C++ geniuses.So please next time just zip it

im pretty sure that no one will just write the program for you and if you are trying then post more code... im pretty sure that bit you posted wont accomplish what you are asking for

To my favourite moderator if you knew you were not going to be able to do it you could have just kept quiet and leave it to those who can and for your information i am doing the program and asking help from fellow C++ geniuses.So please next time just zip it

Oh boy. Now you have really blown it!

Fix your console code so it at least compiles, then get yourself over to winprog and start the GUI tuts. Then have a go at converting your working C++ console program into a GUI program,post your effort, and if you are still stuck and have heavily apologized for the attitude I might lend a hand.

... i am doing the program and asking help from fellow C++ geniuses.

:lol: From fellow C++ geniuses hey, well, there certainly are several hanging around here, but seeing as you even use void main(), I'm certain your not one of them :lol:

Don't know about you, but saying to someone with the knowledge and willingness to help anyone out who shows effort around here to zip it, now, I think that is really stupid don't you think ;)

>if you knew you were not going to be able to do it you could have just
>kept quiet and leave it to those who can
That trick never works. Why? Because we've all seen it umpteen times. Some bozo like you who doesn't know jack about programming wants something way out of his league. He then claims that the experts on the forum aren't capable of doing it with the hopes that they'll get all insulted and do it for him.

By the way, this thread is now locked.

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