I'm having trouble with adding multiple records to a table in access. The fields are number (data type) and I can't change them due to the relationships needed for a query used to calulate amounts. Here is the cade I have currently maybe someone could help me out with this as I'm fairly new to VB. I know that this code will work with Text (data type) fields. Please help here is the code

Private Sub Ctl1_kortek_kit_Click()

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [Inventory Transactions]", dbOpenDynaset) ' Dynaset to enable UPdating

  If rs.EOF And rs.BOF Then
     MsgBox "File is Empty"
     rs("Part") = "kortek kit"
     rs("Transaction Type") = "addition"
     rs("Technician") = "auto button add"
     rs("quantity") = "1"
     rs("part") = "80-0128-105"
     rs("transaction type") = "removal"
     rs("Technician") = "auto button add"
     rs("quantity") = "1"
     rs("part") = "80-0148-105"
     rs("transaction type") = "removal"
     rs("Technician") = "auto button add"
     rs("quantity") = "2"
     rs("part") = "80-0109-105"
     rs("transaction type") = "removal"
     rs("Technician") = "auto button add"
     rs("quantity") = "2"
     rs("part") = "80-0123-105"
     rs("transaction type") = "removal"
     rs("Technician") = "auto button add"
     rs("quantity") = "1"
     rs("part") = "62-0161-00"
     rs("transaction type") = "removal"
     rs("Technician") = "auto button add"
     rs("quantity") = "1"
   MsgBox "1 kit added to Stock"
  End If
End Sub


First, if you cant update due to Relationship Integrity, you must add data by grouping it first, and;

What is your Foreign Key and Primary Key in Inventory Transactions table?..

Does the Value from rs("part") is a Foreign key and Does the Value you are adding is existing to its Primary Table?..

Does rs("transaction type") is a Foreign key also has a reference Table?..

Does rs("Technician") is a Foreign key also has a reference table?..

The fields are number (data type)

I think problem is you are trying to add Text in number field(as you have mentioned). If data type is mismatched then for sure we can't add records.

They all have reference in another table except the quantity which if I pull up the table inventory transactions I can select through a combo box. That is where the problem lies. That is why I want to be able to show the vavles as numeric data types so the table will accept the data

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