Hi guys

I'm struggling to write a code for traversing a directed graph. It contains City as nodes. I'm trying to put City(s) to a LinkedList and then work with them to find the path. However, as you will notice I'm still newbie in C++. I have a *nextcities as property in City class. There is a function to add related Cities to a node. As you can see in setNextCity(City c) in works fine! and I can check my Cities in the list BUT in getNextUnvisitedCity(), I cannot access *nextcities and it returns BadPtr!! Can you drop some hints for me?

#include "LinkedList.h"

class City {
    string name;
    cLinkedList<City> *nextCities;
    bool visited;

    void setNextCity(City c);
    bool isVisited();
    void setVisited();
    string getName();
    City* getNextUnvisitedCity();

City::City(string _name) {
    name = _name;
    visited = false;
    nextCities = new cLinkedList<City>();

string City::getName() {
    return name;

void City::setNextCity(City city) {
    // This is working fine!
    City* test = nextCities->GetLastElement();

bool City::isVisited() {
    return visited;

void City::setVisited() {
    visited = true;

City* City::getNextUnvisitedCity() {
    // This is not working here!!
    City *last = nextCities->GetLastElement();
    // TODO: return a proper object
    return NULL;



City* City::getNextUnvisitedCity() {
    // This is not working here!!
    City *last = nextCities->GetLastElement();
    // TODO: return a proper object
    return NULL;


As you can see you have left a TODO: , should I have to complete that TODO: ?

so you just have to iterate all the cities and find the last un visited city and
return it's pointer.

TODO: means you left the code to future write.

City* City::getNextUnvisitedCity() {
    // This is not working here!!
    City *last = nextCities->GetLastElement();
    // TODO: return a proper object
    return NULL;


As you can see you have left a TODO: , should I have to complete that TODO: ?

so you just have to iterate all the cities and find the last un visited city and
return it's pointer.

TODO: means you left the code to future write.

Thanks mate for your quick replay
That TODO is for myself. The main problem is I cannot access element in nextCities. As I mentioned in the code that for example: *last return bad pointer and don't know why!

hey mate can you plz forward the entire solution of this cities program to my personal email mass_pass007@yahoo.com just for reference.


you are adding local vairble to the list, so when you are accessing it, that memory is already freed as it was local vairble.

void City::setNextCity(City city) {    

//city is local vaible here!!
City* test = nextCities->GetLastElement();};

I havent post the fix, i guess you will be able to figure out how to fix it.

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