ok, so i have been working on a program that i call "Sharppad" any ways it is a text editor. it has all teh basic functions. but it can also speak teh text you type. and convert text to .wav files. so you can listen to what you type. it also has a syntax editor. any ways i came too the part where i want it to print... and i get figure it out. i hvae tried code on the internet and it all just prints blank paper. any ideas? :?:

dude, did you finish the mp3 copier? :P

lol, yea pretty much, i still cant get it to read all the tags. but it copies the mp3 from the ipod to the harddrive. it provides a skin for itunes,(looks like an ipod functions like one) provides an interface for making contacts to put on teh ipod(vcards). and is also an id3 editor. so yea thats done. still trying to get it to read all the tags:(

EDIT: Hey r0ck if i put the code on here do you think you could help me get it to read all the tags in the directory in display them in the listbox

o and r0ck one more question how could i let the user choose between mp4 and pm3 cuz i try to declarte the textbox as teh file type. but it wont work? maybe a whole new fileType(filetype2) or an if else statement?????

what about some radiobuttons which display the choice ? yes, you can post the code , so we can try to work it out

yea i was think bout radio buttons. but here is the weird thing. on my bro's ipod it read ALMOST all of them where as on mine and my dads it reads almost none....

i will post the code tommrow. its late now i gotta catch some z's


Thank you for all of your help. You have really taught me alot. :)

yea i was think bout radio buttons. but here is the weird thing. on my bro's ipod it read ALMOST all of them where as on mine and my dads it reads almost none....

i will post the code tommrow. its late now i gotta catch some z's


Thank you for all of your help. You have really taught me alot. :)

Ok, here is teh code...Keep in mind i am trying to backup the songs off my ipod onto my harddrive. I got this down. but when it copies it comes out with the weird names like QEYX i want it to read the id3 tags as it copies and spits them out with good names. i also need to be able to coopy mp4's out to.( i think i can do that) what i reallly n eed help on is the id3 part. anywho here it is.

the first thing that i will do is press a browse button that will bring up a folerbrowser.....

folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog();                        //the textbox2 text is = to the folderbrowser selected index
            textBox2.Text = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;

then it displays in the textbox, the filename.

From there its as easy as pressing the cop button..... this is the code for when it is pressed.....

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string sourceDir = textBox1.Text + "\\iPod_Control\\Music";//add this to the drive that the user typed in (sets up the source file)
                string targetDir = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; //show them the browser there directory = target

                foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir))

                    foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(d, fileType))

                        MessageBox.Show("Please be patient process may take a while", "Please wait");//Notify the user
                        label2.Visible = true;//label2 now visible upon button click

                            targetDir + "\\" + new FileInfo(f).Name, //Attempt copy


Here is teh Read(); part. i tried puting Read(); in a few places. (no dice)

public void Read()

            // Read the 128 byte ID3 tag into a byte array
            FileStream oFileStream;
            oFileStream = new FileStream(this.filename, FileMode.Open);
            byte[] bBuffer = new byte[128];
            oFileStream.Seek(-128, SeekOrigin.End);
            oFileStream.Read(bBuffer, 0, 128);

            // Convert the Byte Array to a String
            Encoding instEncoding = new ASCIIEncoding();   // NB: Encoding is an Abstract class
            string id3Tag = instEncoding.GetString(bBuffer);

            // If there is an attched ID3 v1.x TAG then read it 
            if (id3Tag.Substring(0, 3) == "TAG")
                this.Title = id3Tag.Substring(3, 30).Trim();
                this.Artist = id3Tag.Substring(33, 30).Trim();
                this.Album = id3Tag.Substring(63, 30).Trim();
                this.Year = id3Tag.Substring(93, 4).Trim();
                this.Comment = id3Tag.Substring(97, 28).Trim();

                // Get the track number if TAG conforms to ID3 v1.1
                if (id3Tag[125] == 0)
                    this.Track = bBuffer[126];
                    this.Track = 0;
                this.GenreID = bBuffer[127];

                this.hasTag = true;
                // ********* IF USED IN ANGER: ENSURE to test for non-numeric year
                this.hasTag = false;

(i might have trimmed some out so if u see somthing missing lemme no)

maybe i should update teh mp3's as there being cbacked up

public void updateMP3Tag()
            // Trim any whitespace
            this.Title = this.Title.Trim();
            this.Artist = this.Artist.Trim();
            this.Album = this.Album.Trim();
            this.Year = this.Year.Trim();
            this.Comment = this.Comment.Trim();

            // Ensure all properties are correct size
            if (this.Title.Length > 30) this.Title = this.Title.Substring(0, 30);
            if (this.Artist.Length > 30) this.Artist = this.Artist.Substring(0, 30);
            if (this.Album.Length > 30) this.Album = this.Album.Substring(0, 30);
            if (this.Year.Length > 4) this.Year = this.Year.Substring(0, 4);
            if (this.Comment.Length > 28) this.Comment = this.Comment.Substring(0, 28);

            // Build a new ID3 Tag (128 Bytes)
            byte[] tagByteArray = new byte[128];
            for (int i = 0; i < tagByteArray.Length; i++) tagByteArray[i] = 0; // Initialise array to nulls

            // Convert the Byte Array to a String
            Encoding instEncoding = new ASCIIEncoding();   // NB: Encoding is an Abstract class // ************ To DO: Make a shared instance of ASCIIEncoding so we don't keep creating/destroying it
            // Copy "TAG" to Array
            byte[] workingByteArray = instEncoding.GetBytes("TAG");
            Array.Copy(workingByteArray, 0, tagByteArray, 0, workingByteArray.Length);
            // Copy Title to Array
            workingByteArray = instEncoding.GetBytes(this.Title);
            Array.Copy(workingByteArray, 0, tagByteArray, 3, workingByteArray.Length);
            // Copy Artist to Array
            workingByteArray = instEncoding.GetBytes(this.Artist);
            Array.Copy(workingByteArray, 0, tagByteArray, 33, workingByteArray.Length);
            // Copy Album to Array
            workingByteArray = instEncoding.GetBytes(this.Album);
            Array.Copy(workingByteArray, 0, tagByteArray, 63, workingByteArray.Length);
            // Copy Year to Array
            workingByteArray = instEncoding.GetBytes(this.Year);
            Array.Copy(workingByteArray, 0, tagByteArray, 93, workingByteArray.Length);
            // Copy Comment to Array
            workingByteArray = instEncoding.GetBytes(this.Comment);
            Array.Copy(workingByteArray, 0, tagByteArray, 97, workingByteArray.Length);
            // Copy Track and Genre to Array
            tagByteArray[126] = System.Convert.ToByte(this.Track);
            tagByteArray[127] = System.Convert.ToByte(this.GenreID);

            // SAVE TO DISK: Replace the final 128 Bytes with our new ID3 tag
            FileStream oFileStream = new FileStream(this.filename, FileMode.Open);
            if (this.hasTag)
                oFileStream.Seek(-128, SeekOrigin.End);
                oFileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
            oFileStream.Write(tagByteArray, 0, 128);
            this.hasTag = true;

So that bout some that up. thanks r0ck for any ideas that you might have


i have tried the previous ideas(i just may have switched some things around or put it back hw it was,, so if it looks like i havnt tried any of your previous ideas...i have)

Hi, i think yo didn't get the point of the Read() function ...Read is in fact a member function of a class called ID3v1.

I gave a you a link to a this complete class in another thread, so what you do is the following, copy-paste the whole code to a file called ID3v1.cs , and then you incorporate that file into your project, then after that you call it like this:

foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(d, fileType))
 MessageBox.Show("Please be patient process may take a while", "Please wait");//Notify the user
label2.Visible = true;//label2 now visible upon button click

// Now try to read tags from the file to copy
ID3v1 mp3Tag = new ID3v1(f);
File.Copy(f, targetDir+"\\"+mp3Tag.Artist+"_"+mp3Tag.Title+new FileInfo(f).Extension, false);


I didn't test this code, so there might be some bugs.

Hi, i think yo didn't get the point of the Read() function ...Read is in fact a member function of a class called ID3v1.

I gave a you a link to a this complete class in another thread, so what you do is the following, copy-paste the whole code to a file called ID3v1.cs , and then you incorporate that file into your project, then after that you call it like this:

foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(d, fileType))
 MessageBox.Show("Please be patient process may take a while", "Please wait");//Notify the user
label2.Visible = true;//label2 now visible upon button click

// Now try to read tags from the file to copy
ID3v1 mp3Tag = new ID3v1(f);
File.Copy(f, targetDir+"\\"+mp3Tag.Artist+"_"+mp3Tag.Title+new FileInfo(f).Extension, false);


I didn't test this code, so there might be some bugs.

lemme gixe it a go..... be back soon

ok so i tried this is is the exact code under the rip button

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

                string sourceDir = textBox1.Text + "\\iPod_Control\\Music";//add this to the drive that the user typed in (sets up the source file)
                string targetDir = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; //show them the browser there directory = target

                foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir))

                    foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(d, fileType))
                        label2.Visible = true;//label2 now visible upon button click

                        // Now try to read tags from the file to copy
                        ID3v1 mp3Tag = new ID3v1(f);
                        File.Copy(f, targetDir + "\\" + mp3Tag.Artist + "_" + mp3Tag.Title + new FileInfo(f).Extension, false);


                frmerror frm = new frmerror();
                frm.ShowDialog(this);  // show notes (EDIT: notes canceled now show about)


EDIT: just took off catch statement. the error was that the file - already exists...
now it copies one song with the file name -

and then it shows me my catch form if somthing goes wrong.....

i hadded that ID# form and everything...

i have been changing things.. the prob is its not advancing to the next song....

foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(d, fileType))
 MessageBox.Show("Please be patient process may take a while", "Please wait");//Notify the user
label2.Visible = true;//label2 now visible upon button click

// Now try to read tags from the file to copy
ID3v1 mp3Tag = new ID3v1(f);
File.Copy(f, targetDir+"\\"+mp3Tag.Artist+"_"+mp3Tag.Title+new FileInfo(f).Extension, false);


Try that...forget to put that Read func in...the class is actually very poorly designed by that guy imo.

Error saying illegal charaters in path...

well, then set a breakpoint on that line in the debugger and look what the values are...

well, then set a breakpoint on that line in the debugger and look what the values are...



OK, i have set a breakpiont.... now what...



dude, i will not lead you thru the way of debugging your own prog, there are numerous articles on debugging, just have a look at the msdn...could it be that you're a bit lazy? :(

dude, i will not lead you thru the way of debugging your own prog, there are numerous articles on debugging, just have a look at the msdn...could it be that you're a bit lazy? :(

nah, lol that is not it, i read how to debug it better, i have not been able to do it because of lots of school work.

Thank you for helping me.


it looks like this thread went off topic, do you still need help printing?

it looks like this thread went off topic, do you still need help printing?

oh no i dont it was a simple error. thank you though :)

did you debug successfully now?;)

Debug yes, read tags, no. I have been researching that i have found this Accept using the

File.Copy( path.text\\thats path name + Convert.ToString(listBox1.Selecteditems), "C:\\" + Convert.ToString(listBox1.Selecteditems) + ".mp3");

i cant get it to copy.
also using your code i am working on it to get it to scan the directory and subs. I shall not be beaten on this.


EDIT: ok, now i got it to copy them with there artist name as filename. But for some reason it only compies about 5 out of bout 200

Does it copy only the first 5 ?

Yes only about the first 5
any ideas?

Well, the 6th one probably generated an exception and then quit the routine, what about that code in a try catch clause and look which exception is generated..because apparently you didn't debug it.

i did debug. just not for very well. I am in the process. Well thank you for you help.

reads the all!!!!! now to figure out how to copy

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