Ok, I have no idea how to make this becuase I need to be able to update the Name & Password database for the Web or somewhere else.


In place of data base you can use an encrypted flat file to store/verify username and password.

In place of data base you can use an encrypted flat file to store/verify username and password.

Sorry I am a true begginer to programing and that stuff, so I have no idea how to do what you said :(

In that case you need to learn to crawl before attempting to run in the Olympics. Learn the c++ language from the beginning. Its not something you can learn in an hour or two -- probably takes several months to learn just the basics well depending on how fast you learn and how much time you are willing to put into it.

In that case you need to learn to crawl before attempting to run in the Olympics. Learn the c++ language from the beginning. Its not something you can learn in an hour or two -- probably takes several months to learn just the basics well depending on how fast you learn and how much time you are willing to put into it.

I was trying to find some good C++ education but didn't find any good, if you could recommend some it would be great, the best would be video tutorials for learning.


well, once you get to the point where you can do this, you can try making a class that has members like

string username;
string password;
string tryUser;
string tryPass;
//also have a function that will login you in.
void loginIn()
cout << "Enter your username: ";
cin >> tryUser;
cout << "Enter your password";
cin >> tryPass;
if(tryUser == username && tryPass == password)
cout << "Thanks for loging in";

however, to login multiple users on a single machine- that might take some thinking to do easily.

Best of luck,

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