Class homework: cannot use strings.

How do I declare a function that passes me a cstring? char[5] for example.
I need it to explicit a private member of a class.

class Customers{
  caName[kiArraySize]; //kiArraySize is 30
  //this is what I need help for
  char[] passName(Customers);

char[] Customers::passName(Customers c){
   return c.caName;

void RandomFunction(){

cout << Customers.passName;

I cannot use string, homework. How can I make it? Thank you

I think your function is flawed..passname should be returning or updating its member data not another object's member data. It would make more sense to have this.

class Customers{
  char caName[kiArraySize]; //kiArraySize is 30
  //this is what I need help for
  const char* passName() const;

const char* Customers::passName() const {
   return caName;

void RandomFunction(Customers c){

cout << c.passName();

>>char[] Customers::passName(Customers c){

It is customary to code that using *, not [], as shown in the previous ^^^ post.

>>char[] Customers::passName(Customers c){

It is customary to code that using *, not [], as shown in the previous ^^^ post.

Damn it.... I always make dumb questions XD Thank you guys, really.

There's only dumb answers.

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