HI All!
I am creating a Python function that should set environment variable. My simple code is

import os
print "After setting Environment Variable is ",os.environ

When i execute this code file in command prompt it is giving me this result

After setting Environment Variable is 12345

But when i run this command in command prompt SET FK_DBO_PASS
The result is
Environment variable FK_DBO_PASS not defined

My code is not setting environment variable .Can some one help me how i can fix this code? and how i can set temporary environment variable through python code just for my existing process?
Waiting for someone help. Thanks

Best Regards

Have you tried
os.putenv(key, value)

Have you tried
os.putenv(key, value)

Yes i tried now . i write
os.putenv('FK_DBO_PASS','12345') and also i tried os.putenv(FK_DBO_PASS,12345)
in 1ast case it is giving error that FK_DBO_PASS is not defined and also for 12345. And for 1st case it is not setting.
Am i doing right? do you have more suggestions?

Best Regards

I just did the following interactively and as you can see, had no problems:

>>> os.putenv('FK_DBO_PASS', '12345')
>>> han = os.popen("SET FK") # Handle to output of subprocess SET FK command
>>> for line in han: print line


Try this and be sure it works for you.

I trust you realize setting environment variables can only be done for the current process level and below. You can't set an environment variable for a higher level process. That's not Python, it's the O/S.

I just did the following interactively and as you can see, had no problems:

>>> os.putenv('FK_DBO_PASS', '12345')
>>> han = os.popen("SET FK") # Handle to output of subprocess SET FK command
>>> for line in han: print line


Try this and be sure it works for you.

I trust you realize setting environment variables can only be done for the current process level and below. You can't set an environment variable for a higher level process. That's not Python, it's the O/S.

Hi BearofNH
I did and it works for current process.
But i want to do it for Higher level process , on O/S level for temporary.
do you have any idea how i can do it?
or how i can get value of a python variable in other batch file , then i will use that value and will set environment variable in batch?

But i want to do it for Higher level process , on O/S level for temporary.

That of course is the problem, it just can't be done. I'm sure the O/S folks will tell you they don't allow it because it's a security issue, or possible synchronization issues or any of a dozen other valid reasons.

The good news is you're nowhere near the first person to need this capability. I usually just punt the issue and write my parameters to a file. Sometimes you can get away with that, sometimes that's not a practical option. You might ask in other forums specific to your O/S. Since it's not really a Python issue you may not get needed attention in this forum.

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