hi, im trying to display the attribute name of the parent node once the input matches a town name:

my xml is:

  <area code="022"> 
  <area code="023"> 
  <area code="024"> 
  <area code="025"> 

and the method is:

private void btnGetNum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
 XmlNodeList towns = doc.GetElementsByTagName("town"); 
   foreach (XmlNode town in towns) 
      if (txtInput.Text.Equals(town.ChildNodes[0].Value)) 
       lstResult.Items.Add("area code is" +  ??????????); 

Don't do a lot of work with XML and you might be able to skip the ItemOf and just index off of Attributes.


Don't do a lot of work with XML and you might be able to skip the ItemOf and just index off of Attributes.

that works a treat momerath,


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