	chatLike("Enter student's full name: ");
	getline(cin, name, '\n');

        //I have my try-catch here


chatLike is a function that i made that produces the cout character per character.
program immediately crashes when input is:

a)input is space only or a single space
b)input ends with one or multiple spaces

error is "debug assertion failed (then a path here pointing to xstring line:1441) string subscript out of range".

i've been googling for 2 days now it's getting frustrating. been trying to find a way to try and manipulate the input before storing it in name in a way that it will not accept case a and b. :-/ but i also thing that would not work.

Can you post more of your code? There is really not enough here to troubleshoot your issue. Also, when exactly do you get the assertion failure? After you type some characters and press [ENTER]? Before that?

sorry took some time to reply. i made the try catch a function. and yes, immediately crashes after pressing enter(provided that you did input either the case a or b)

			chatLike("Enter student's full name: ");
			getline(cin, name, '\n');


here's the function

bool nameChecker(string str)
	int periodCtr=0, spaceCtr=0,alphaCtr=0,length;
	bool error=false;

			if(length<5)//name must atleast be 5 something like: su ly (chinese name and stuff)
				throw "\aInvalid Name: too short!\n";

				for(int x=0 ; x<length ; x++)
					if(isalpha(str[x]))//checks if x'th entry is in the alphabet
						alphaCtr++;//counts the number of alphabet characters
							if(alphaCtr<4 && x+1==length)//forbids the numer of characters to be less that 4(i think chinese names would be the only ones with 4 characters)
								throw "\aInvalid Name: must be atleast 4 alphabet characters!\n";
						case '.' :
							periodCtr++;//counts the periods
								if(x+1!=length)//checks if the x'th member is the last member of the string
									if(str[x+1]=='.')//if not checks if the next members is another period
											throw "\aInvalid Name: consecutive periods!\n";
								if(periodCtr>2)//period cannot be more than 2 for as far as i know middle initials usually contains up to 2 periods
										throw "\aInvalid Name: too many periods!\n";
								if(periodCtr=0 && x+1==length)//checks if there is 0 occurances of periods in the string
									throw "\aInvalid Name: atleast 1 period!\n";

						case ' ':
							spaceCtr++;//counts the spaces
								if(x+1!=length)//checks if the x'th member is the last string member
									if(str[x+1]==' ')//if not checks if the next member is also a space
											throw "\aInvalid Name: consecutive spaces!\n";
								if(spaceCtr=0 && x+1==length)//counts the occurances of spaces in the string, must be atleast 1
										throw "\aInvalid Name: atleast 1 space!\n";

						default ://symbols and numbers f
							throw "\aInvalid Name: alphabet characters only!\n";


	catch(string err)
	return error;		

anyone here? :(

anyone here?

Please have some patience, the person who ultimately answers you question may be sleeping now.

Have you run this function through a debugger to see exactly when it crashes?

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