guys i have a serious problem my cmd is not under my control as a virus has taken the power. now i want to format my entire drives completely with some .bat file. i am unable to do it with windows disk coz the virus is very talented to come back again after format of all drives with the boot disk. so now i want to create a .bat file which formats all drives of my pc without prompting. if it stops to prompt again the virus closes the cmd and i fail again. please please please please please please please help im almost in tears with that beady virus, its spoiling my laptop.

boot from cd.

tried it bro not successful so i want to go this way for formattin later i can install windows

Then set your boot order properly and try again.

can u give me explanation please

Go to BIOS (either F2, enter, space, F1 or something similar at the very beginning of the boot process) and make sure that the cd/dvd is the first item in the boot order.

done that

Okay? So boot from cd/dvd and format your drives from there. A virus can't "interfere" with that unless it's a "BIOS" virus in which case you're screwed anyway.

that's what even i was trying to explain that it was a boot virus as i dint no exact word for it.

Then a format won't help as the virus resides in the BIOS. Take it to a shop.

which shop for a e-waste shop or what..................

A repair shop. It is possible to get the BIOS updated (if that's what it is). I have no idea what it is you're actually seeing (and you seemingly don't either, not really), so let a "professional" look at it.

anyhow thnks ill see

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