This program is to count the number of words,vowels and consonants of a string.Here is my code.Please post your comment.I do not know whether I need to change anything.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char a,b =' ';
    int vowel=0,c=0,count=0;
    printf("Please press '*' to terminate.\n\n");
        if(a=='*') break;
        else if((a>='a' && a<='z') || (a>='A' && a<='Z')){
            if(!((b>='a' && b<='z')||(b>='A' && b<='Z'))) {
            if(a=='a' || a=='e' || a=='i' || a=='o' || a=='u' || a=='A' || a=='E' || a=='I' || a=='O' || a=='U') vowel++;
            if(!(a=='a' || a=='e' || a=='i' || a=='o' || a=='u' || a=='A' || a=='E' || a=='I' || a=='O' || a=='U')) c++;

        else if(a=='\n'){
            printf("The string consists of :\n\t%d word(s).\n\t%d vowel(s).\n\t%dconsonant(s).\n\n",count,vowel,c);

    return 0;


This program is to count the number of words,vowels and consonants of a string.Here is my code.Please post your comment.I do not know whether I need to change anything.

IF (code works as expected)
    why would changes be needed?
    changes are needed

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