
I have developed a Java swing based application to work in Windows 7 platform.
But the application is having some issues as below :

1. I have a few tabs labeled like A , B , C ,D side by side in my application. If I am using jre5 in my application then everything works fine in Win 7 but the functionalities like attaching a file to my application gives some error instead of showing a window to select a file to attach.

2. In relation with above point, if I am using jre6 in my application then attaching a file dosn't create any problem and shows a window to user to select a file to attach to the application as the behaviour expected. But the problem arises with tabs. Like, if tabs A,B,C,D are side by side, clicking on A tab,then clicking on B tab results in the tab sequence as A,B,A,D and then clicking on 3rd A reults in the sequence A,B,C,B i.e the labels are over-riding but the functionalities display of the tabs remain intact.

So my question is which jre version to be used to fix all the issues and to run my application perfectly fine in Windows 7 platform.

Please help me in fixing those issues.


For security reasons you should always be running the latest version.


Please anbody address my issues posted in the previous thread.


So my question is which jre version to be used to fix all the issues and to run my application perfectly fine in Windows 7 platform.

Version 6 Update 25 is the latest and best. If your app still has problems you'll probably have to code round them.

no idea, I never used this JComponents, anyway have look

1/ http://bugs.sun.com/
2/ check differencies between JDK5 and JDK 6, check JDK6 changeLog , there are lots of changes for parts of APIs
3/ post runnable code here but just contains a.m. decribed JComponents

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