I`m new in Programming stuffs.
So here is my codes:


float records[5][5];
float ave;
int ctrX, ctrY;


		cout<<"Student Number: ";

		do {
		cout<<"Quiz 1 Score: ";
			if ((records[ctrX][ctrY]<0)||(records[ctrX][ctrY]>30))
				cout<<"The score supplied must be from 0 to 30 only!" <<endl;
		} while ((records[ctrX][ctrY]<0)||(records[ctrX][ctrY]>30));

		do {
		cout<<"Quiz 2 Score: ";
			if ((records[ctrX][ctrY]<0)||(records[ctrX][ctrY]>30))
				cout<<"The score supplied must be from 0 to 30 only!" <<endl;
		} while ((records[ctrX][ctrY]<0)||(records[ctrX][ctrY]>30));

		do {
		cout<<"Quiz 3 Score: ";
			if ((records[ctrX][ctrY]<0)||(records[ctrX][ctrY]>30))
				cout<<"The score supplied must be from 0 to 30 only!" <<endl;
		} while ((records[ctrX][ctrY]<0)||(records[ctrX][ctrY]>30));

		for (ctrX=0;ctrX<=4;ctrX++) {
			ave=(records[ctrX][ctrY] + records[ctrX][ctrY++] + records[ctrX][ctrY++]) / 3;

	return 0;

My problem is, this code must display it in a column form. Then, I cannot display also the average.

Any comments / help will do.
Thanks in Advance!

Remove the .h from iostream.h - it it just #include <iostream>

You have not specified a namespace, so cout and cin should not work - they should be std::cout and std::cin. If your compiler lets you get away with this, it really shouldn't.

main() is illegal - your compile should refuse to compile this. A correct form is int main(void)

conio.h, clrscr() and getch() are non-standard and if you rely on them you'll have problems when you try to work on a different PC.

I cannot display also the average.

Try std::cout << ave;

I`m also having a hard time in displaying this in Column form...

To get all your output in a column, put a std::endl on the end of each output

std::cout << "1st row" << std::endl;
std::cout << "2nd row" << std::endl;
std::cout << "3rd row" << std::endl;
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