hello all,
I have a program, and in it, it eventually specifies 'aFolder' to be os.walk(path/to/folder) how do I obtain inifo such as the name or the path of the folder, is it then the temporary current working directory?

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how do I obtain inifo such as the name or the path of the folder,

Maybe i dont understand you,if you give the path to the folder.
Then you can store it in a variable and just print it out.

import os

aFolder = 'C:/test/'
print 'Top folder is %s' % aFolder
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(aFolder):
    for sub in dirs:
        print sub #Will print all subfolder in C:\test\

You have os.getcwd()
Return a string representing of the current working directory.

If unclear as @tony postet give more info.

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