i wanna build software that i will be can speak with my friend with our cams
i have used that dll : WebCam_Capture
and that only show my camera . but i cant show my friend camera/ how can i do it?<<<

i wanna build software that i will be can speak with my friend with our cams
i have used that dll : WebCam_Capture
and that only show my camera . but i cant show my friend camera/ how can i do it?<<<

That is the most unimaginative thing I've heard in quite a while.

I would imagine probably by transferring an image from the camera to the other side via sockets?

If that's the way to do it, it's not a simple process...you can start by reading about sockets here though. But I'm really not 100% sure, this would be the route I would take though.

ok thanks
i wait for another answers

I'm not sure what "other answers" you're going to get. Not anything closely resembling realtime. Your best solution is what zachattack has offered.

Computers aren't magic I'm afraid, you have to send the data from one to the other and the best way of doing it in this case is through a socket connection.

okk i sure about this.
my quistion is : how can i do it ?

Write a program that:

  1. Connects to another user of your program.
  2. Captures the image from the webcam.
  3. Sends the captured image to the other program.
  4. Receive image from other program.
  5. Display image.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5

Personally, I'd establish two connections (send/receive) and run this as two threads (steps 2-3 in one, steps 4-5 in another).

Is there specific help you need or did you want someone to write this for you?

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