I am working on a program with two classes that is supposed to handle hotel information and am getting confused on how to work with an array properly. Here is my code so far:

public class Hotel {

    Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);

	public int[] HotelArr = new int [100];
    public int num;//for menu

	public void arrival()
		Room myroom = new Room();
	public void departure()
		Room myroom = new Room();
	public void taken()
        //prints how many guests there are and how many rooms are filled
	public void menu()
		 while (num !=4)
	        System.out.println("Type 1 for: Arrival");
	        System.out.println("Type 2 for: Departure");
	        System.out.println("Type 3 for: Taken");
	        System.out.println("Type 4 for: Exit");
	        num = scan.nextInt();
	public void betMalon()
            case '1': arrival();
            case '2': departure();
            case '3': taken();
public class Room {

	private int numppl;
    private int daystay;

    Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);

	public void checkIn()
		System.out.println("How many people will like to check in?");
        numppl = scan.nextInt();
        System.out.println("For how many days would you like to check in for?");
        daystay = scan.nextInt();
	public void checkOut()
		//each person needs to pay $100 a day
		int payperperson = 100 * daystay;
		int entireroompay = payperperson * numppl;
		System.out.println("Each person needs to pay: " + payperperson );
		System.out.println("The entire room needs to pay: " + entireroompay);
        //puts 0 for ppl staying in room

As you can see I have the basic code down I am just not sure how to handle putting ppl into rooms etc...
Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.

Maybe your Hotel should have a number of Rooms (stored in an array Room[]). The checkin/out is something that happens in the Hotel class, but is associated with one of the Rooms? Just a thought...

That was a mistake adding to the above's rep. I was trying to decrement it.

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