Hey there

I started coding again on my old project in netbeans but i have no idea what kind of a prject it is, for example, is it javaEE or whatever.
like in the image attached.

How can i find out what my current project type is?


Hey there

I started coding again on my old project in netbeans but i have no idea what kind of a prject it is, for example, is it javaEE or whatever.
like in the image attached.

How can i find out what my current project type is?


I'd recommend that you check the Lookup of the project for clues as to its type. The Lookup for most project types should contain a ProjectInfo and a Properties object, and possibly other unique things. By checking the existence and content of these things, you could probably find some differences between the common project types and then be able to tell them apart. there is no easy way or api to identify this. if it is a previous netbeans project you could look at the 'project.xml' found in the 'nbproject' directory of your netbeans project.

Isnt there anything i can use to test my code with?
like its javaEE if you can import X
or something like that?

Isnt there anything i can use to test my code with?
like its javaEE if you can import X
or something like that?

I might be wrong but look at this:
in J2ME we get our class name like this:

String s=new Myclass().getClass().getName();

Java EE we get the class name like so:

String s= new Myclass().getClassName()

Myclass()-represents you class name

So therefore if the you put the j2me code in a javaEE it will give you an error and vice versa if it is the same project type there should be no error.

also here are 3 imports which if imported by a J2ME will give errors:

import javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke;
import javax.interceptor.Interceptor;
import javax.interceptor.InvocationContext;

oHhh oky thank yoU. Im beginning to see what it is. Thank you

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