
I'm having a little trouble about message box,
Since the website has been deployed in the IIS, the msgbox won't work anymore,
Now I need a new alternative to create a message box that could also have a validation,
something like

if msgbox("do you want to save this?", msgbox.yesno) = msgbox.yes then
'do some code
end if

Can anyone help me with this,


This should have been posted in the ASP.NET forum.

You can't use MsgBox nor MessageBox on the web.
What you can do is use javascript with a vbscript popup box.
Here is a solution: http://www.delphifaq.com/faq/javascript/f1172.shtml

Yes oxiegen correct, in web cant use msgbox. U can use alert in javascript.

Yes oxiegen correct, in web cant use msgbox. U can use alert in javascript.

Yup, I now understand, thanks for the help!

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