
I am fairly new to shell scripting. I see a lot of examples out there of how to find if a file has been modified within a certain period of time. What I'm looking for help with is a script that will run and I'm thinking check for the last 24 hours but if not just check at runtime to see if an HTML file has been modified.

Then once it determines if the file has changed (I've read this can be done with either checksum or the md5 or md5sum commands) then it will FTP the file. I already have an example of how to connect to an FTP and transfer a file but again since I'm new to shell scripting I'd like some help with this.

On another forum I found an example of checking for if a file has been modified and printing things out. Since this will run in the background of a website I don't need it to print but I'm going to post the code here:

# MD5FILE-parameter specifies where we want to save our md5print for
# later use.

# The FILE_TO_CHECK-parameter specifies the file we want to monitor
# changes

if [ ! -f $FILE_TO_CHECK ]
echo "ERROR Couldnt locate file to check:$FILE_TO_CHECK"
exit 1

echo "Taking a print on $FILE_TO_CHECK with md5sum"
MD5PRINT=`md5sum $FILE_TO_CHECK | cut -d " " -f2`

if [ -z $MD5PRINT ]
echo "ERROR Recived an empty MD5PRINT thats not valid, aborting"
exit 1
echo "MD5PRINT we got was:$MD5PRINT"

if [ -f $MD5FILE ]
echo "Found an old savefile:$MD5FILE we trying to match prints"

if [ -z $OLDMD5PRINT ]
echo "Got an empty string from the oldfile, aborting"
exit 1

if [ "$OLDMD5PRINT" = "$MD5PRINT" ]
echo "New and old md5print are identical, the file hasnt been changed"
echo "WARNING the old and new md5print doesnt match, the file has been changed"


echo "Saving to new md5print in logfile:$MD5FILE for later checks"

if [ $? = 0 ]
echo "Wrote to file OK"
echo "Writing to file failed...why??"
exit 1

I'm looking to modify this code to fit my needs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


This might be more efficient. Te find command will do what you want all in one line.

find . -type f -mtime -1 -exec ls -la {} \;

This command looks for files in the current (.) directory and then runs the ls -la command using the file name as a parameter (puts the file name where the French Braces are). The backslash - semi colon ends the line for the command entered. You could logically replace it with your ftp command using the braces where the file name should be.

Have a look at wput.

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