Im stuck with the following:

Define a function isPrime(number) that takes in a number as argument and return True if the number is a prime number.

Hint: A number, x is a prime number if it is only divisible by 1 and x itself.
By definition, 1 is not a prime number.

   >>> isPrime(97)
   >>> isPrime(1)
   >>> isPrime(-2)
# Hint: Step through the range between (2, number-1), 
# and determine if the number is divisible using the modulus operator.
def isPrime(x):

how should i go about this? i dont understand it. Any help is appreciated.

p.s the topic this exercise is a part of is 'Conditionals'

# and determine if the number is divisible using the modulus operator.

modulus returns the remainder of a number

>>> 10%4
>>> 10%2

if the answer is 0 then the number is perfectly divisible
this should give you a hint if the number is prime

def isprime(num):
    for x in range(2, num):
        if num % x == 0: return False
    return True
commented: please let OP to do his part -3

sorry ihatehippies, your code doesn't work.

And thanks zeroliken, though i still dont get it, haha

my bad

def isprime(num):
        if num < 2: return False
        elif num == 2: return True
	for x in xrange(2,num-1):
		if not num % x: return False
	return True

as mentioned above '%' returns the remainder

6%3 = 2 remainder 0, so it returns 0
6%4 = 2 remainder 2, so it returns 2

the function goes through the numbers between 2 and the number-1 and checks to see if any number is perfectly divisible.

my bad

def isprime(num):
        if num < 2: return False
        elif num == 2: return True
	for x in xrange(2,num-1):
		if not num % x: return False
	return True

as mentioned above '%' returns the remainder

6%3 = 2 remainder 0, so it returns 0
6%4 = 2 remainder 2, so it returns 2

the function goes through the numbers between 2 and the number-1 and checks to see if any number is perfectly divisible.

Thanks , very helpful!

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