hello guys i have a database with tblblabla and column agent_id, name, regis_date, expire_date

agent_id , name , regis_date , expire_date-->COLUMN HEADER
BLA-1 , SAMPLE , 1/1/2012 , 1/1/2013-->COLUMN DATA

and i have a notification-form that check either the agent is expire or not if the agent is expire it will display to this form if not it will not

the main problem is i can check it by comparing the expire_date to present data, what if the expire_date compared with present date up to the future date, what i mean is how can i let the agent stay on the notification-form, agent will be remove when the expire_date is change
sorry for very poor explanation i hope you'll understand it, thnx in advance

You need to subtract the dates. Try to use DateDiff Function.

thnx debasisdas but can you show me how to use datediff function? is it apply on sql query?
pls let me see some samples, thnx again

Please read more here.

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