Hi guys,

I just purchased SCJA exam simulator from whizlabs and i pass the final exam with over 92% but i'm still afraid to fail in the real exam. So, what else i need to do to ensure passing the exam??


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Best thing to do: don't sweat it.

Most employers don't care about SCJA. They want to see experience on a variety of technologies (not just Java) and intelligence.

as Ztini said: experience beats certification. if you do want to take the exam, there are no guarantees whatsoever.

the only thing you can do is:
- know the material covered by it
- prepare for the exam (for instance: don't keep camming until 5am the day you're going to take it)
- take the exam and take your time for it. don't rush through the questions. faster completed doesn't mean the results are better.

So, SCJA certification worthless to take??

Not really having a certificate means that your well versed with the languange

It's just that you can't brag much about it when it comes to finding a job

depends on the situation: if you're between projects, it's better to get certified than to do nothing, but if you get the chance to start at a project, don't let it go just because you could get certified.

Thanks all you guys i really i appreciate your help

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