hello everyone,

I am having a major problem with this assignment that asks to create a function whose input is a reference to an input file, which asks user to enter a file name to open for input, then checks to see where the file opened successfully.
the function returns nothing.

I tried implementing the code so far, however for some reason it doesnt even open a file. The file is saved in the same directory as the program. I have know idea whats going on. Please help!

using namespace std;

int main()

    ifstream inFile;
    string inFileName;

    cout << "Enter a filename: ";
    cin >> inFileName;


system ("pause");
return 1;

You can use the is_open() function on the ifstream. As so:

using namespace std;

int main()
    ifstream inFile;
    string inFileName;

    cout << "Enter a filename: ";
    cin >> inFileName;


    if( ! inFile.is_open() ) {
        cout << "File could not be opened!" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "File was successfully opened!" << endl;

    system ("pause");
    return 1;

Right now you only open the file and do nothing with it. You need to check if the file even exists first. Try adding this on line 19

if (!inFile)
        cout << "ERROR 404: FILE NOT FOUND!!";

And then you have to close the file once you're done reading it.


If you want to learn more see here


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