This is and answer to one of the Vegaseat's recent projects for beginners.
I share my solution here because -as a begginer and do learn python as a hobby-
I need your feedback. So please tell me am I doing it the right way?
Thanks in advance for comments

from string import punctuation as punc

def find_longest(text):

    words = list(set(word.strip(punc) for word in text.split()))
    length = len(sorted(words,key=len,reverse=1)[0])
    longest= [word for word in words if len(word)==length]

    return longest, length

#=============== TEST ==============#

text = """Python is probably one of the few programming languages which is both simple and
powerful. This is good for both and beginners as well as experts, and more importantly, is
fun to program with. This book aims to help you learn this wonderful language and show
how to get things done quickly and painlessly - in effect 'The Perfect Anti-venom to your
programming problems'."""

wordlist, length = find_longest(text)
print "Longest Word's Length: %d" %length
print "Longest Word(s): %s" %(str(wordlist))

Your code is actually very nice for beginner!

I would slightly rearrange the calling the functions and do itertools.takewhile from sorted wordlist to rechecking whole word list.

from string import punctuation as punc
from itertools import takewhile

def find_longest(text):
    """ find length of longest word and what are those words in text

    words = sorted(set(word.strip(punc) for word in text.split()), key=len, reverse=True)
    length = len(words[0])
    longest = [word for word in takewhile(lambda word: len(word)==length, words)]
    return longest, length

if __name__ == '__main__':
    text = """Python is probably one of the few programming languages which is both simple and
powerful. This is good for both and beginners as well as experts, and more importantly, is
fun to program with. This book aims to help you learn this wonderful language and show
how to get things done quickly and painlessly - in effect 'The Perfect Anti-venom to your
programming problems'."""
    wordlist, length = find_longest(text)
    print("Longest word's length: %d" % length)
    print("Longest word%s: %s" % ('s' if len(wordlist) > 1 else '', wordlist))

Longest word's length: 11
Longest words: ['importantly', 'programming']

Thank you pyTony. your Code motivated me to read about itertools :)

Using takewhile doesnt return any word, but an empty list. I think its bacause when takewhile meets the first matching word, it stops iteration and excludes the first found word from the list. In other word, the list of longest words will always be Empty.

PS: yes I call myself beginner because I have no background inProgramming, CS or any other kind of tech. I am a Rehabilitation profesional. BUT I'm in Love with Python and whenever I find free time, I spend it on Learning python. :D

Another way:

# find one of the longest words in a text

from string import punctuation as punc

def find_longest(text):
    word_set = set(word.strip(punc).lower() for word in text.split())
    return max((len(word), word) for word in word_set)    

text = """Python is probably one of the few programming languages which is 
both simple and powerful. This is good for both and beginners as well as 
experts, and more importantly, is fun to program with. This book aims to 
help you learn this wonderful language and show how to get things done 
quickly and painlessly - in effect 'The Perfect Anti-venom to your
programming problems'."""

length, long_word = find_longest(text)

print("Longest Word: %s" % long_word)
print("Longest Word Length: %s" % length)

'''result -->
Longest Word: programming
Longest Word Length: 11

Sounds like a fun project! Another possibility:

text = """\
arguing with a software engineer is like wrestling with a pig
in the mud after a while you realize the pig is enjoying it

print("Longest word = {}".format(max(text.split(), key=len)))

wow thank you all for these nice codes. I'm learning from them. But qhat your codes should look like if I needed to print out all longest words not just the first occurance of first max len word.

You can do something like this (similar to your solution).

text = """\
arguing with a software engineer is like wrestling with a pig
in the mud after a while you are realizing the pig is enjoying it

words = text.split()
max_len = len(max(words, key=len))
max_wordlist = [word for word in words if len(word) == max_len]

print("Longest word(s) = {} with length {}".format(max_wordlist, max_len))

Longest word(s) = ['wrestling', 'realizing'] with length 9
commented: Efficient one! +12

I'm satisfied now hehehe ;-)

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