Hi Guys,
I need to track the application usage statistics using webservice. Basically i need to write a service which can be used in any application to record the usage of application which is calling this service. or Could be a DLL.
I need idea's for this.


Codeproject has a webservices intro, with a client-side console application to consume it.
Click Here to view the article.

John Thanks for the reply. I know how to write and consume web service in .Net application. My query is i need to capture usage stats record it in DB using webservice. Any help or directions in this would be great.

Bear with me, I'm working up a demo project - I had a long post I had been writing as well, but apparently lost it during the day...

IE issue apparently - able to post just fine from Chrome

Rough diagram of db to record stats, see attached

Code Complete.
See attached project.

NOTE The application recorded is always (sic).Net SQL Client Provider, but hostnames, ip addresses, and which web method are recorded. This is not going to be a straight "drop in and go" to plug into any application, but it's a good start!

Thanks a lot for your effort. I will look into code today.

There's a syntax error in one of the exception handlers.. :)
Apparently I did an "Undo" between last compile and packaging up the source.
You'll find it when you try to compile. It's in one the section that handles the update I believe, and instead of :

... <code>
Catch sqlex as exception
    ' stuff
Catch ex as exception
    'other stuff
End try

I have two sqlex exceptions instead of a sqlex and an ex:

... <code>
Catch sqlex as exception
    ' stuff
Catch sqlex as exception
    'other stuff
End try

Sorry i did not get a chance to come back to this forum. Thanks for your effort. I have implemnted the sollution which simillar to ur approach. I had some specific things to capture.

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