hey i am new to gwt and i am doing an project on java and gwt and stuck in one part i want to create a reminder that is like user enters date and time and at that time a pop up should be displayed reminding user of his event.can anyone suggest me any approach towards achieving this.

when i googled for the solution i found some stuff related to timers in gwt but i guess timer has method schedule() which takes milliseconds as parameter but converting date and time into milliseconds doesnt seem the solution so any other alternative is highly appreciated...

converting date and time into milliseconds doesnt seem the solution

Why not? Just get the time now and the time when you want the reminder, convert both to mSec, then take the difference between them - that's how many mSec you need to wait for the reminder.

yeah..i thought thats not the standard way but i ll follow msec trick...thanxx 4 reply..

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