Hello everyone, I've encounterred a problem that I cannot seem to overcome. For the program to compile there are a few steps necessary to take: from the website Click Here on the download page, one would need to download and install:

  2. Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack SDK(this one is the one that I used,this needs to be installed in the x86 version of Program Files,this was the only solution that I found to be able to install it);
  3. Also there is a tutorial for installing the previous programs and a small introduction to the MPI program model (in C#)

Now follows the code that I've written:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MPI;
using System.Threading;

namespace _PRO__MAPC_MPI_Chat
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                int producersNo = 1;// (Communicator.world.Size - 1) / 2;
                // Console.WriteLine("number of producers :{0}",producersNo);
                Intracommunicator comm = Communicator.world;
                Random rand = new Random();
                if (comm.Rank == 0)
                    // program for rank 0; in this case is the server/queue process
                    Queue<string> que = new Queue<string>();
                    const int MAXSIZE = 10;
                    string msg = null;
                    string response = null;
                    new Thread(() =>
                        while (true)
                            //get the message from entity
                            msg = comm.Receive<string>(Communicator.anySource, 0);
                            if ((msg == null) && (1 < msg.Length))
                                Console.WriteLine("Process Rank 0 Ended!");
                            // Console.WriteLine("Queue process received a message !");
                            lock (que)
                                if (que.Count() != MAXSIZE)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Queue is full discarding received message: {0}", msg);
                    new Thread(() =>
                        while (true)
                            //get the message from Queue to the destination
                            lock (que)
                                while (que.Count == 0)
                                response = que.Dequeue();
                            if (response != null)
                                comm.Send<string>(response, rand.Next(producersNo, comm.Size), 0);
                                Console.WriteLine("response is null!");
                else // not rank 0(not the central node)
                    int timeToSleepProducer = 900;
                    int timeToSleepConsumer = 1000;
                    Console.WriteLine(" Process Rank:{0} started", comm.Rank);
                        new Thread(() =>
                            //consume the received message
                            string received = null;
                            while (true)
                                received = comm.Receive<string>(0, 0);
                                if ((received == null) && (1 < received.Length))
                                    Console.WriteLine("Program Ended!");

                                Console.WriteLine("msg: \"{0}\" got consumed by {1}", received, Communicator.world.Rank);
                    // else
                        //execute producer code(create the messages)
                        // new Thread(() =>{
                            string msg = null;
                            while (true)
                                msg = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                                //msg = Console.ReadLine();
                                comm.Send<string>(msg, 0, 0);
                                if ((msg == null) && (1 < msg.Length))
                                    Console.WriteLine("Program Ended!");
                                Console.WriteLine("msg: \"{0}\" produced by {1}", msg, Communicator.world.Rank);

The most frequent error(and the stack trace) that I'm getting is:

Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write
 protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
   at MPI.Unsafe.MPI_Send(IntPtr buf, Int32 count, Int32 datatype, Int32 dest, I
nt32 tag, Int32 comm)
   at MPI.Communicator.Send[T](T value, Int32 dest, Int32 tag)
   at MPI.Communicator.Send[T](T value, Int32 dest, Int32 tag)
   at _PRO__MAPC_MPI_Chat.Program.<>c__DisplayClass5.<Main>b__1() in E:\Programm
ing\Projects\MAPC_Proj\MAPC_Proj\Program.cs:line 68
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, C
ontextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

If it matters: I'm using Visual Studio 2008.

Open the visual studio in administrator mode and try it out

Open the visual studio in administrator mode and try it out

Well I did that, but still no change(in the tutorial it days that I need to run it from a command prompt, so from VS I just compile it)

Also I tried a recomended setting from another site for that error:Going in Tools->Options->Debuggin(General)->uncheck Supress JIT optimisation on module load...

I found out that the MS MPI implementation suports at max MPI.Threading.Serialized, and on hovering the mouse over this initialisation mod VS shows me this:

The program is multi-threaded,and more than one thread will amke calls into the MPI library. 
However, these calls into MPI are"serialzied", in that no two threadswill call the MPI library at the same time. 
This mode essentially requires the user program to have the equivalent of a global lock around all calls to MPI.

Might I also suggest that you code away your Thread.Sleep. This is indicitive of incorrect (I won't say bad, because it probably isn't) design in event driven programming.

And yes, you as the developer must make all calls to MPI thread-safe. Using either a Critical Section (lock) or some form of Mutex depending on your requirements.

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