I've created a project on NaviCoder for java and when I tryied to export the project I had a problem then I redo my project using the Netbeans and that where I was then able to export or should I say build the jar file which is an executable file but the problem is that I can't run or execute this jar file outside the IDE I really don't know what is the problem with this and when I do a research on this problem I just noticed that on my project there is no lib file created when I build the project I don't know whether this is the course of this or. The project doesn't even run when I double click it, it just do nothing at all so I really don't know what the problem here. I don't know whether it the IDE I'm using or it the jre but I've just downloaded and installed for more then 20 times now. I just thought of using the eclipse I don't know whether this will solve my problem or not. any one know how can I solve this please help me out.

try java -jar "C:/pathtojar/" with quotes.
If that does not work check and make sure you have a main class selected in netbeans:
1) Right click the project select properties
2) In the left hand pane select "Run"
3) under Main Class: your runnable class should be selected.

It's not clear where you are hitting the problem. Do you have the .jar file that NetBeans creates (in the build directory of your NetBeans project).

It's not clear where you are hitting the problem. Do you have the .jar file that NetBeans creates (in the build directory of your NetBeans project).

Yes I do hava it and it the same .jar file I'm trying to run but when I double click it, it just do nothing and if I try the command method the cmd.exe says Error unable to access the "jarFile" I've tried even if I just put the full path but it says it can't access the file I don't know why.

What's the exact syntax of the java.exe commmand that you are trying?

Thanks I was so stupid the application that I created uses the consol to display so it seems as if I can't or it can't start a consol on it own so I recreated the whole project and I just monited each and every move the IDE do then I saw that it instructed me to type the java -jar "C:\Users\Me\Documents\NetBeans Project\My Project\myproject.jar" to run it and I just typed as I see it and wow it debuged thank you so much everyone. I will create another thread because there is another question I have which I discorved when i was debugging.

No, not stupid. It's not obvious!. It's because of the difference between java.exe and javaw.exe
You use jave.exe to run your jar and that has a console.
javaw.exe is for windowed applications, and does NOT have a console.
The default installation of java associates javaw.exe with .jar files, so, by default, if you run a jar by double-clicking it, it does not have a console.

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