hello friend i like to make program in which user can selecte product and they can choose on e or more product by clicking add button now i want to save this firstly temporary all selected product when they click on add button and when user click on submit it should be inserted in databse

Homework... Or work work. In either case, make an attempt to deal with it, and then we can critique your code.

If that is a web application, store the data in hidden input fields which you can spawn via Jscript. However, the same priniciple can be applied in a JFrame extending application (just to go frame.setVisible(true);).

Hope this helps.

I'm not entirely sure what setting the visibility of a JFrame has to do with the question o_O

But some code as to what you have so far would be fantastic as I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. You want to store your results from a database? Then store them in a variable?

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