write a C++ program which inputs litre consumption given in miles/gallon and which translates these figures into the litres/kilometre format which is more common in Europe.Use the following conversion factors: 1 mile=1.609km and 1 gallon= 3.785litres

Sounds like a good exercise. What do you have so far?

commented: i have done something got confused along the line. am new in C++ +0

I have done something but got confused along the line. I am new to C++

I have done something but got confused along the line.

Don't you think it would be better to post what you've done and then explain the confusion you have rather than just post your assignment and hope someone can read your mind?

if you are new in c++ learn the basic code in displaying a Hello world, if you got it. learn the input and output statement of your program and to follow the assignment declaration.

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