It will sound like "Meh, bring me it, naw!". But it isn't as it seem to be.

Do any of you, good people, know a method by which total novice (aka. noob).
Could use any type of programming tutorial, program, scratch or anything.
Which could make PNG shot of 3D looking globe, with moutains, trees and water?
Something like cartoon picture of mini-mini-mini-earth, but with customizable landscape and other factors.

There are plenty of programs to do that. Programming from scratch something like this is NOT an exercise for a "noob"... :-) Remember, Google is your friend! You also do not mention whether you are running Windows, Linux/Android, or what. That will make a BIG difference in the tools and techniques you will need.

Google isn't my friend. He steals my ID and sells to others.

Windows 7

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