Hi I want to call the xml file and I want to change the tag name. here sample coding of get txt file.

my $inputtxt=$ARGV[0];

open(TXT,"$inputtxt"); my $txtstr=join("",<TXT>); close TXT;
$txtstr =~ s#\n\n#\n#sgi;

print $txtstr;

open (OUT,">$inputtxt.txt"); print OUT $txtstr; close (OUT);

I need how to call xml file, in the above script. Please help me.

Hi hasvi,

I need how to call xml file, in the above script. Please help me.

How do you mean call xml file? Please don't try to parse xml file using regex, you can use modules on metaCPAN or CPAN such as XML::Simple for what you are trying to do. See the link I pointed to.

That been said, there are somethings not ok in your above code:
1. Always use these pragma:
use warnings;
use strict;
In your perl codes, you will be glad you do.

  1. Use 3 arugments open option i.e open( my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "can't open file: $!;"

  2. Use lexical filehandle like I used it in point 2, not bareword like you used TXT

  3. Then test if your file opens, or fails, just like I did in 2 above. Or you can use autodie pragma.

Hope this helps

What you need can actually be done using a one-liner.

perl -i.bak -pe 's/\n\n/\n/sg' inputtxt

This would edit inputtxt in place and leave the original with a .bak file extension.
The /i regex switch is not needed, as you are only working with newline characters.

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