hi can any one know how to program in c++ the *143# in globe all iknow is u can use if else conditional statement!! tnx in advance

cout << "*143#" << endl;

aw not that kind of programing

aw not that kind of programing

If you don't like streams, calling printf("*143#\n"); from within C++ is valid, so long as you include stdio.h

well heres the output first u must enter *143# and then ther should be 5sec deley after that choices will be shown

Sorry, but we don't do your homework for you. Show your code, and be more clear about what the intention may be. Your last comment was better, but you need to be more complete.

Hi buddy this may be helpful try this piece of code

string str;
cout<<"enter *143# \n";

enter *143#
*143#(after 5 secs)

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