
I'm not sure if there's another topic about this but couldnt find it with the searchoption..

I'm creating an app which uses a cardreader, it works perfectly.. but now i have to let the app run in the background, but the cardreader still has to work, when a card is swiped it still has to bring the string to the app (for instance when another application has focus). How can i make it work in background without having to use directx?

Is it even possible??



(by the way, i'm using Visual Basic 6)

I don't see the problem.... VB is reading data from the serial port right? So should it matter if the form's .visible property is true or false?

I don't see the problem.... VB is reading data from the serial port right? So should it matter if the form's .visible property is true or false?

the problem is i cant seem to monitor the com port the reader is connected to because i get the message the comport is being used, so i have to use a textbox which has focus all the time (when the app is on focus).

I don't see the problem.... VB is reading data from the serial port right? So should it matter if the form's .visible property is true or false?

I wonder is it possible the application doesn't have a proper hook on the serial port? Is a third party control being used or windows API?

problem solved, i found out that windows accessabilities tools was using that port for serial input devices. turned it off and it works properly.

thanks all

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