hello guys...
myself is aman, a third yr student in delhi colg of engg,india...
i hv studied core and advance java in the last two months....
n i hv made a vry basic project on college database management...
which was based more so on core java...
now i want 2 mak a project on ADVANCE JAVA.....
something related to RMI,JAVA BEANS,SOCKET SERVERS...etc...
not as vry hi fi project....

i hv got a coupl of suggestions 2 eidr mak a chat server....or....an audio-video player....

if any one can elaborate on any of these projects or advice me any other project,ill b more than thankful.....

Why does everyone ALWAYS want to write a chat program? I don't get it.

This has been suggested before, but make a program that will make end of year program suggestions to 3rd year students.

if you're a third year student at any level higher than kindergarten your command of English should be a LOT better than it appears to be.
You should also know full well that you're supposed to do your own homework and not turn in something created by others as your own.
You should above all know how to do your own research into subjects rather than just post a question to some random forums and go to the movies in the hope that someone will do it all for you and hand you the results on a golden platter.

Why does everyone ALWAYS want to write a chat program? I don't get it.

Because it's KEWL MAN! Soon every KEWL kid will be using your chat program rather than Micro$haft messenger (or however the kids call it these days).

I'd personally go for a bot that turns linux and mac machines into zombie computers and allow windows machines to use their bandwidth.

just read the fourth line of the reply you sent to me...
n ull know tht sometimes u do make mistakes when u r in a bit of hurry...k
n secondly,i dint ask anyone to hand me his/her project.....
all im askin for.....is suggestions...
n this project isnt part of my homework.....
its my personal interest.....

if you're a third year student at any level higher than kindergarten your command of English should be a LOT better than it appears to be.
You should also know full well that you're supposed to do your own homework and not turn in something created by others as your own.
You should above all know how to do your own research into subjects rather than just post a question to some random forums and go to the movies in the hope that someone will do it all for you and hand you the results on a golden platter.

man...wt ws tht??
sory,bt i dint get a word of wt u wrote.....
can u pls advice me some simple project....

I'd personally go for a bot that turns linux and mac machines into zombie computers and allow windows machines to use their bandwidth.

commented: Bad English, You need to learn forum etiquette. +0

You seem to have no concept of English at all yet think you're perfectly capable of reading it and judging others in their skills.

Go back to school little kiddie, and pay attention in classes for a change instead of looking under the skirts of the girls in front of you.

Hey buddy, if all you want is ideas for a project then I have one or two for you...

On project you could work on is a program that would streamline the whole process of running a Dungeons and Dragons game. This is one of my personal project goals which I hope to be able to work on as soon as I begin learning to work with user input via gui's. The idea is to include a random number generator as a dice roller for attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and basically anything else. There would also be a random NPC generator, an equipment and rules lookup, a character stats lookup, and lots more. I have only just begun to conceptualize all the different tools that would become available from a simple command line prompt.

Of course, you may not know a thing about dungeons and dragons, in which case you could write a similar program for whatever your interests happen to be. Would you care to list some interests that involve data processing? Perhaps you are an engineering student and get tired of constantly looking up equations and unit conversions. In this case you could make a program that lists all the equations in a data file that belong under a certain categorical grouping, such as newton's second law and its derivatives. Anything that involves data you can write a program for, whether it be data lookup or data processing.

By the way, just ignore our ignoble compatriots who seem to have no purpose other than to make life hard on other people. Remember, just list some of your interests and I'll try to help you think of other project ideas, within the limits of my knowledge of the power of the Java programming language.

write a chat program, that's something nobody else is doing!

write a chat program, that's something nobody else is doing!


What about one of those fart noise makers? Press a button and it makes a fart noise. Have it select a random fart each time the button is pressed. You could also make it a web service where users can submit their farts to your fart database.


What about one of those fart noise makers? Press a button and it makes a fart noise. Have it select a random fart each time the button is pressed. You could also make it a web service where users can submit their farts to your fart database.


dungeons n dragons.....never heard of it before...
i hv alrdy done a project on data processing.....
students n teachers records in a colg...their fee collection and salaries respectively.......
so i hd rather lik to do smthn more creative this tim....
sm1 advicd me 2 mak game cald 'hangaroo'......
u can easily find it on net...a small game,bt interesting...

Hey buddy, if all you want is ideas for a project then I have one or two for you...

On project you could work on is a program that would streamline the whole process of running a Dungeons and Dragons game. This is one of my personal project goals which I hope to be able to work on as soon as I begin learning to work with user input via gui's. The idea is to include a random number generator as a dice roller for attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and basically anything else. There would also be a random NPC generator, an equipment and rules lookup, a character stats lookup, and lots more. I have only just begun to conceptualize all the different tools that would become available from a simple command line prompt.

Of course, you may not know a thing about dungeons and dragons, in which case you could write a similar program for whatever your interests happen to be. Would you care to list some interests that involve data processing? Perhaps you are an engineering student and get tired of constantly looking up equations and unit conversions. In this case you could make a program that lists all the equations in a data file that belong under a certain categorical grouping, such as newton's second law and its derivatives. Anything that involves data you can write a program for, whether it be data lookup or data processing.

By the way, just ignore our ignoble compatriots who seem to have no purpose other than to make life hard on other people. Remember, just list some of your interests and I'll try to help you think of other project ideas, within the limits of my knowledge of the power of the Java programming language.

hv alrdy n colg hd lik smthn tim sm1 advicd 2 mak cald u bt

What language is this? Indian? It sure is funny. Anyway just in case you didn't know, this is an English language forum.

Anyway just in case you didn't know, this is an English language forum.


This is a professional, English-language technical support forum. When you post in our forums you need to be clear and concise, and use full, correct English spelling and sentence structures, not the abbreviated sort of gibberish used in chat rooms.

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