Can someone tell me how I can draw a diagonal or slanted oval on my form? I know DrawEllipse draws circles that are either straight vertical or straight horizontal....

Thanks! I got everything to work.

Hi again.

I was wrong. I thought I had it, but I can't figure out how to convert this code (as I'm not using MFC):

for (int i = Cnt-1; i>=0; --i)
        vCtlPt[i] = (LDPoint(   vCtlPt[i].x * cosAng + vCtlPt[i].y * sinAng,
                               -vCtlPt[i].x * sinAng + vCtlPt[i].y * cosAng) + constTerm).GetCPoint();

Can anyone help pls?

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Don't quote me on this, because it's just a guess but I see it like thus:-

for (int i = Cnt-1; i>=0; --i)
        vCtlPt[i] = (LDPoint(   vCtlPt[i].x * cosAng + vCtlPt[i].y * sinAng,
                               -vCtlPt[i].x * sinAng + vCtlPt[i].y * cosAng) + constTerm).GetCPoint();

vCtlPt is obviously an array of points, those 12 which you define at the beginning to be exact.

LDPoint (   );

is obviously some function, my guess is it plots a point on a 2d canvas in MFC

int i = Cnt-1; i>=0; --i)

The above line just goes through each array of points i.e


One other thing to be aware of is that the angle is defined in radians as opposed to degrees. I.e 360 ^\circ = 2 \pi radians?

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