
# define I 0.0765    //Interest Rate
  char fname[20];
  char lname[20];
  float loan = 0.0;
  int years;
  double PB;

double Mortgage_Calc(void);
void Financial_Report(void);
int main() {
  printf("  *******************Caribbean Mortgage Company*************\n\n\n\n\n");
  printf("Enter the Customer's Name (First Name and Surname)\n");
  printf("Enter Requested Loan Amount\n");
  printf("Enter Number of Years for Mortgage\n");

double Mortgage_Calc(double PB, double A, double Y) {
  //PB :payback
  //A :Amount Loaned
 //Y:Number of Years over which the mortgage extends
 PB = A * pow((1 + I), years); 

 /*A*1.0+ I/100;
    principal * pow((1 + rate), (double)years); */

void Financial_Report()
  printf("  *******************Caribbean Mortgage Company*************\n");
     printf("  ************************Financial Report******************\n\n\n\n\n");
     printf("Applicant's Name: %s %s", fname,lname);
  printf("Requested Loan Amount: %f",loan);
  printf("Interest Rate: 7.65 percent");
  printf("Number of Years for Mortgage: %d", years);
  printf("Total Amount to be Paid Back: %f",PB);
    // printf("The Monthly Installments are: 

Post your code using code tags ( read the forum announcements )

And what exactly is the problem with the given code. Be specific.

> scanf("%f",loan);
You forgot the &, like scanf("%f", &loan); Ditto for the years.

You also need to call your Mortgage_Calc function at some point.

1. It will run to the point of asking the user of the loan amount and then it will crash.

2. I don't know how to call a function within a function; hence the main is to ask for the information, the information given to go into Mortgage_Calc to be calculated then for the output/calculations to be displayed in the Financial Report.

But i'm at a complete lost.

There can't be any global variables, must be functionally decomposed and modular...and i think that is what i've been doing so far.......


# define I 0.0765 //Interest Rate
char fname[20];
char lname[20];
float loan = 0.0;
int years;
double PB;

double Mortgage_Calc(void);
void Financial_Report(void);
int main() {

printf(" *******************Caribbean Mortgage Company*************\n\n\n\n\n");

printf("Enter the Customer's Name (First Name and Surname)\n");

printf("Enter Requested Loan Amount\n");

printf("Enter Number of Years for Mortgage\n");

double Mortgage_Calc(double PB, double A, double Y) {
//PB :payback
//A :Amount Loaned
//Y:Number of Years over which the mortgage extends

PB = A * pow((1 + I), years);

/*A*1.0+ I/100;
principal * pow((1 + rate), (double)years); */

void Financial_Report()
printf(" *******************Caribbean Mortgage Company*************\n");
printf(" ************************Financial Report******************\n\n\n\n\n");
printf("Applicant's Name: %s %s", &fname,&lname);
printf("Requested Loan Amount: %f",&loan);
printf("Interest Rate: 7.65 percent");
printf("Number of Years for Mortgage: %d", &years);
printf("Total Amount to be Paid Back: %f",&PB);
// printf("The Monthly Installments are:


  1. Use the code tags when posting code. Don't you see the watermark at the back of the compose message window, or are you just choosing to ignore it?

printf("Applicant's Name: %s %s", &fname,&lname);
printf("Requested Loan Amount: %f",&loan);
printf("Interest Rate: 7.65 percent");
printf("Number of Years for Mortgage: %d", &years);
printf("Total Amount to be Paid Back: %f",&PB);

I said put the & on the scanf calls, not then paste it all through the printf calls as well.


Although not so serious, you don't need the & on these, since you're reading into a string. You don't need the & when using %s to read into an address.


Would be better written as

PB =    Mortgage_Calc();

But since all your variables are global, it's a moot point, and the return statement in the function is pretty much useless.

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