Enter the miles driven, use -1 to end:
Enter the gallons :

The miles / gallon for this tank was

Enter the miles driven, use -1 to end:
Enter the gallons used (-1 to end) :

The miles / gallon for this tank was

Enter the miles driven, use -1 to end:
Enter the gallons used (-1 to end) :

The miles / gallon for this tank was
Enter the miles driven, use -1 to end: -1

The overall average miles/gallon was

I tried to solve this above probem but i cant figure out where i m going wrong or what to do next .. can anyone please help me out with it

Public Sub OverallAverage()

        Dim miles, gallons As Double
        Dim totalGallons As Double = 0
        Dim totalMiles As Double = 0
        Dim tank As Double = 0
        Dim average As Double = 0

        Console.Write("Enter the miles driven, use -1 to end: ")
        gallons = Console.ReadLine()

        While miles <> -1

            Console.Write("Enter the gallons: ")
            gallons = Console.ReadLine()

            tank = miles / gallons
            Console.WriteLine("The miles / gallon for this tank was " & tank)

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the miles driven, use -1 to end: ")
            miles = Console.ReadLine()

            totalGallons = totalGallons + gallons
            totalMiles = totalMiles + miles

        End While

        average = totalMiles / totalGallons
        Console.Write("The overall average miles/gallon was: " & average)

    End Sub

A couple of things:

'you had this as gallons should be miles
        miles = Console.ReadLine()


'move this to after calculate totals otherwise changing miles 
before adding to total
            'miles = Console.ReadLine()

            totalGallons = totalGallons + gallons
            totalMiles = totalMiles + miles
            miles = Console.ReadLine()

Thanks for pointing me out waynespangler.. i made the change for the first one you pointed me out.. but for the second one.. I am confused. If i remove


from the top and move it to the bottom after my calculations, it asks for gallons before miles.

And to quite my program when entered -1, I have added the following code

If miles >= 0 Then

            average = totalMiles / totalGallons
            Console.WriteLine("The overall average miles/gallon was: " & average)
            Console.WriteLine("You have chose to quite by pressing -1")

        End If

now.. when pressed -1, It should also show The overall average miles/gallon. I am not sure where did i make a mistake

alright .. i figured it out :) .. thankz for helping me out waynespangler

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