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New Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 21

Nov-2006, 15:17

I need to modify this code by changing the sort function to make it recursive and add a recursive binary search that prompts the user to enter a search item.I have added some code for the search, which I will mark with// [IMG]http://www.gidforums.com/images/gid/smilies/silly_hair.gif[/IMG]commented out on previous line. Please help finsh with recursion. I'm lost.
// ***********************************************************************// The include section// ***********************************************************************#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>#include <fstream>#include <conio.h>// ***********************************************************************// The namespace section// ***********************************************************************using namespace std;// ***********************************************************************// The global variable declaration section// ***********************************************************************char ProgramName[] = "Project 1.cpp"; // Used to hold the program nameint Option, *oPtr = &Option;const int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;char fname[ARRAY_SIZE][25]={"none","none","none","none", "none","none","none","none","none","none"};// ***********************************************************************// The function prototype section// ***********************************************************************void StartUp(void);void WrapUp(void);void call(void (*)(void));void Menu(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);void Add(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);void Update(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);void Delete(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);void Sort(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);void Print(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);void Printarr(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);void Quit(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);//:[IMG]http://www.gidforums.com/images/gid/smilies/silly_hair.gif[/IMG]: void Search(char [ARRAY_SIZE][25]);// ***********************************************************************// main// This is the entry point for this program. It controls// the flow of execution.// ***********************************************************************int main (void){ StartUp(); system("cls"); Menu(fname); return 0;} // End of function main// ***********************************************************************// StartUp// Currently this is an empty module or stub. It will be used to// perform any needed initialization.// ***********************************************************************void StartUp(void){} // End of function StartUp// ***********************************************************************// The Call function. This function is used to call the data.// ***********************************************************************void call(void (*opt)(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25])){ (*opt)(fname);}// ***********************************************************************// Menu function// Here the user is prompted for his/her choice.// ***********************************************************************void Menu(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ void (*f[6])(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25]) = {Add, Update, Delete, Sort, Printarr, Quit}; do { system("cls"); cout << "\t\t Menu" << "\n\t1. Add" << "\n\t2. Update" << "\n\t3. Delete" << "\n\t4. Sort" << "\n\t5. Print" << "\n\t6. Quit" //:[IMG]http://www.gidforums.com/images/gid/smilies/silly_hair.gif[/IMG]: << "\n\t7. Search" << "\n\n\tChoose and Option: "; cin >> Option;//:[IMG]http://www.gidforums.com/images/gid/smilies/silly_hair.gif[/IMG]: if(Option < 1 || Option > 7) { cout << "\nPlease re-enter your selection." << endl; _getch(); } } while(Option <1 || Option > 6); call(f[Option-1]);}// ***********************************************************************// The Add function// This is where new data is added to the array.// ***********************************************************************void Add(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ int Subscript = 0; system("cls"); cout << "\t\t Adding Name Page\n\n"; Print(arr); cout << "\n\tWhich element do you want to add a name to (0 - 9): "; cin >> Subscript; if (Subscript < 0 || Subscript > 9) { cout << "\n\tSorry Invalid Selection Hit Enter to Return to the Main Menu\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); } else { if(strcmp(arr[Subscript], "none")== 0) { cout << "\n\tEnter a name: "; cin >> arr[Subscript]; system("cls"); Menu(fname); } else { cout << "\n\tA name is already in this array. If you want" << "\n\tto update please go back to the Main Menu and " << "\n\tchoose the update option.\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); } }}// ***********************************************************************// The Update function// This is where the user is able to alter existing data// in the array.// ***********************************************************************void Update(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ int Subscript = 0; char choice = 'b'; system("cls"); cout << "\t\t Update Name Page\n\n"; Print(fname); cout << "\n\tWhich element do you want to Update(0 - 9): "; cin >> Subscript; if(Subscript < 0 || Subscript > 9) { cout << "\n\tSorry Invalid Selection Hit Enter to Return to the Main Menu\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); return; } else { if(strcmp(arr[Subscript], "none")< 0||strcmp(arr[Subscript], "none")> 0) { cout << "\tA name is already entered into this array." << "\n\tAre you sure you want to update this name? (Y/N)"; cin >> choice; if(choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') { cout << "\n\tEnter a name: "; cin >> arr[Subscript]; system("cls"); Menu(fname); return; } else if(choice == 'N' || choice == 'n') { system("cls"); Menu(fname); return; } else { cout << "\n\tSorry Invalid Selection\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); return; } } else { if(strcmp(arr[Subscript], "none")== 0) { cout << "\tYou chose an array that has none listed in it" << "\n\tplease go back to the Main Menu and " << "\n\tchoose the Add option.\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); return; } } system("cls"); Menu(fname); return; }}// ***********************************************************************// The Delete function// Here the user is able to remove data from the array.// ***********************************************************************void Delete(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ int Subscript = 0; char choice = 'b'; system("cls"); cout << "\t\t Delete Name Page\n\n"; Print(fname); cout << "\n\tWhich element do you want to delete(0 - 9): "; cin >> Subscript; if(Subscript < 0 || Subscript > 9) { cout << "\n\tSorry Invalid Selection Hit Enter to Return to the Main Menu\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); } else { if(strcmp(arr[Subscript], "none")== 0) { cout << "\n\tThere is nothing to delete in this array." << "\n\tPlease go back to the Main Menu and " << "\n\tchoose another option.\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); } else { cout << "\n\tAre you sure that you want to Delete this array? (Y/N)"; cin >> choice; if(choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') { strcpy (arr[Subscript], "none") ; } else if(choice == 'N' || choice == 'n') { cout << "\n\tNo deletions will occur.\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); } else { cout << "\n\tSorry Invalid Selection\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname); } } } system("cls"); Menu(fname);}// ***********************************************************************// The Sort function// Here the program puts the data from the array into// alphabetical order.// ***********************************************************************void Sort(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ char hold[25]; for (int Pass = 1; Pass < 10; Pass++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10 - 1; j++) { if(strcmp(arr[j], arr[j + 1]) > 0) { strcpy(hold, arr[j]); strcpy(arr[j], arr[j + 1]); strcpy(arr[j + 1], hold); } } } system("cls"); Menu(fname);}// ***********************************************************************// The Print function// This is where the data from the array is displayed// to the monitor.// ***********************************************************************void Print(char arrNames[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cout << "\tarrName[" << i << "] = " << arrNames << endl; }}// ***********************************************************************// The Printarr function// This function displays the array.// ***********************************************************************void Printarr(char arrNames[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ system ("cls"); cout << "\t\t Print Name Page\n\n"; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cout << "\tarrName[" << i << "] = " << arrNames << endl; } cout << "\n\n\t"; system("pause"); system("cls"); Menu(fname);}// ***********************************************************************// The Quit function// This function is used when the user chooses to end the program.// ***********************************************************************void Quit(char arr[ARRAY_SIZE][25]){ cout << "\n\tYou have choosen to Quit the program." << "\n\tPlease have a great day." << endl; WrapUp();}//***********************************************************************//// The Search function// This function is used when the user chooses to Search for a// particular file.//************************************************************************//:[IMG]http://www.gidforums.com/images/gid/smilies/silly_hair.gif[/IMG]: void Search(char arr[10][25]){//:[IMG]http://www.gidforums.com/images/gid/smilies/silly_hair.gif[/IMG]: cout << "Which element do you want to search for:(0-9) " << endl ;//:[IMG]http://www.gidforums.com/images/gid/smilies/silly_hair.gif[/IMG]: cin >> "Enter choice" >> endl; return;}// ***********************************************************************// WrapUp// ***********************************************************************void WrapUp(void){cout << "\n\tProgram " << ProgramName << " ended successfully.\n\t";} // End of function WrapUp./*Output:Program Project 1.cpp ended successfully.*/

Ugh... remove those extra-long *** comments, and USE CODE TAGS! Otherwise, it's simply impossible to read what you're posting.

ummmm.....can you clean that up so its possible to read?

I can read English, not gibberish. If you want help, you must actually post in a reasonable fashion. Also, USE CODE TAGS! Can you not read the backround of the post screen?

Yes, start a new thread, and this time make sure you use the code tags.

Do you see the watermark in the background of the edit window, telling you how to use code tags?

Have you even read this - http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/announcement8-3.html

Did you bother to press "preview" before "submit" ?

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