Hi there, I am sitting here and thinking. The best way to learn a new language is to play in it, but I have a little problem: I don't know where to start , how about a few ideas

Calculate the frequency needed to fuse ammonia to oxygen and helium in a "Phaseshift Quartz Capillary Cold Fusion Reactor".

Seriously, here are three projects that might be worthwhile:

1) Write a simple Python code to C++ code converter.
2) Write a small Python Expert System
3) Write a Python program the applies Artificial Intelligence (AI)

has that even been done yet? :P

I your interest should be in chemistry, write a chemical structure drawing program, that displays bondenergies and charge intensities of the molecule.

Write a Sudoku solver using classes.


Hi there, everyone...

Great ideas!!!! I will definitely look into it and post my work here so you can Thanks a lot!

has that even been done yet? :P

A "Phaseshift Quartz Capillary Cold Fusion Reactor" is closer to working than you can imagine.

Here is the story in a nutshell in laymen terms:

Some of the early experiments with cold fusion used metals like palladium or titanium. These are metals that have, what you might call capillaries (spaces) for small molecules like hydrogen to be trapped. Well, that really wasn't good enough to induce fusion, even though some folks cheered early on!

With the advent of nano technology, one can design an array of capillaries in a piezoelectric material like quartz. With the right design, and using phase shifting, these capillaries can turn into opposing-direction pumps that theoretically can produce vortices with some of the highest compression ratios ever created by man. Hydrogen or its isotopes are not ideal since they tend to degrade the quartz.

Ammonia seems to behave better, and ideally you want to shoot the hydrogen proton past the electrones of the nitrogen atom in the heat of the battle, so to speak. When I talk about frequency, it is the heat or vibration of the proton, not the frequency of the pump action. Even though, this will be a contributing factor to the density of the vortex.

To make things more difficult, you need the use a laser beam to get the resulting plasma vortex to the right frequency. Now, the problem is the design of the capillary, it has to produce the desired compression and allow a very narrow laser beam to penetrate along its path. The design of the capillary is close, but a laser beam with the precise narrowness is far from achievable right now. I have no doubt that future generations will solve this.

Wow, man ...


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