i am looking for a java project . i am in final year .

If you tell more about your interests in programming like, prefer to work with databases, would like to do something with graphic or encryption, that would be helpful. Right now I can give you some answers and you may refuse it, as it is not something you wish to do. So tell us more...

just build a random project idea generator.
There seems to be a big demand for those, given the number of times each week we get this exact question in only slightly different wording.

commented: Best idea ever! +1

just build a random project idea generator.
There seems to be a big demand for those, given the number of times each week we get this exact question in only slightly different wording.

Fantastic idea!

I will actually build one of those. ^_^

i want to do project in mobile application like voice commands or similar

Cool, get started.

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