hello everyone and my old frnds
is there any list of lib (like Microsoft ADO 2.5 lib)to be included in project refernces and components which we can add everywhere in vb 6 project which will work eveywhere except default ones.
that is without lookin on to project requirement we should add them initially before loadin code.
reply soon

what ever we add from reference or components are supporting files in form of DLL,OCX or TLB files. These are required if u want to include any predefined library or any extrinsic controls or any 3rd party tool. why you want to un-necessarily add those to every piece of code.

hey debasis
thanx to reply. if i wanna use a code alrweady written anywhwere .after simply cut and paste that code anywhere else gives the error
"user defined data not not defined "
so wt i did i added the the lib in project frst then cut and paste that code there.but then also same error comes ??????????????

Hi, Suneel,

Why dont u copy old project and paste it in some other directory and open it, remove unnecessary things from new proj...?

Most of the times it wud be, ADO Dll or Office dll's or FSO..


hi veena
when i cut and paste na ,the error comes.hey i tried ur code on another system it is workin fine .

To get the list of files assosiated with a project use the Add-In Package and development wizard, choose, pack then choose Dependency File from the package type. This will create you a file that can be read in notepad and includes all files assosiated with your application. Another way is to open the Project>>references from menu bar and compare the references on the two PCs.

I hope this will work with you.

hi eveyone ,
Am not gettin time to study from books .I am tryin to generate a code for
CD Drive.
i wanna on a single click it should open the drive and on next command itshould close the drive too.
Anyone give me suggustions how to do????????
specially my old frnds

To get the list of files assosiated with a project use the Add-In Package and development wizard, choose, pack then choose Dependency File from the package type. This will create you a file that can be read in notepad and includes all files assosiated with your application. Another way is to open the Project>>references from menu bar and compare the references on the two PCs.

I hope this will work with you.

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