I have a website that is working except for one thing.
The pages load fine but when a user clicks on any option, that should immediately stop what is happening on that page & take user to new the page they have selected.
Right now it happens very slowly, after everything on the current page has loaded.
The site has mp3's & it takes about 10 secs to loada page. Not bad but it should be instantaneous,
i.e as soon as user clicks any option, the current page should stop loading & go immediately to the next selected page.
I just switched to my own VPS yesterday in the hopes that would fix this but there is no improvement at all.

Any suggestions?


reduce the size of pages...

Wow that was an anticlimax, i was actually hoping for a intelligent suggestion.
I know there is some way of programming what i want, anyone..

by the way, that solution is javascript...so you would have to have your links call the method or a function containing that method in order to trigger it.

something like:

<a href="somlink.com" onclick="window.stop();">my link</a>

<a href="somlink.com" onclick="window.stop();">my link</a>

this doesnot works in IE.

for ie use


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