Hi all

how to include more than one class
like we include one class as given below

public class ClsSection:connection

now i want to include one more class

how can i do???

you can "call/use" other classes provided they are all within the same namespace.

sorry i dint get you...

==="class is user defined"===

i want to include the class

so that i can use the functions directly defining in that class...
without calling using the object of that class....

here we are creating the object of the class, i guess so...

but i want to call the functions directly without declaring the object of that class.


i have two classes named class1, class2.

class1 have two functions

class2 also have two functions

here is the third class3
which i want to call these functions


public class class3:class1
public constructor()

public void c3f1()
int a=c1f1(); // here i m calling function c1f1defining in class1 without creating the object of the class1

now i want to use the function defining in the class2( in the same manner-- without creating the object of the class2)

how can i do???

right at the top of code under your 'using......' statements:

namespace whatever

your code


now do that to all your classes. then each class can call methods from other classes (you have to specify which, where and when) also ensure methods are public

but i dint get u again...

lol ok no worries.

namespace whatever
your code


namespace whatever
your code


namespace whatever
your code


You need to place your classes within a namespace, and all within the same namespace if you do not wish to declare them separately.

So instead of declaring all these specifics, you just create them all in one namespace, then reference the name space to the page using "using".

i have done that also...

but now how to call the function?

You call it the same way. This just means that those classes are related so you can call them like they are one giant class.


==class1 code==
namespace ns1
public class c1
public c1()

public void c1f1()
console.write("namespace example");

==class 2 code==

using ns1;

public class c2
public c2()

public void c2f1()
==here i want to call c1f1==

???where i m missing/worng???


==class1 code==
namespace ns1
public class c1
public c1()

public void c1f1()
console.write("namespace example");

==class 2 code==

using ns1;

public class c2
public c2()

public void c2f1()
==here i want to call c1f1==

??? how can i call ???
wht statement should i write here

use "new c1f1()"

if i ll use "new c1f1()"

then wht is the benefit of defining the namespace???

it could be done without defining a namespace...

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