Hello All,

I am trying to disable right click only for specific links on the page> I want to create my own pop up menu for these eventually. At present I have the following

<a href='#' onContextMenu="typesclick()">Types</a>

the function is

function typesclick()

return false;


The alert appears but the browser context menu also appears. I am using ie7? Any ideas why this is not working?

Scott Bailey

A quick example on how to disable right click for specific link!
Hope you had a great time! Enjoy...

<script type="text/javascript">
document.onclick = function( e )
{ e = e ? e : window.event;
  t = e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement;
if (( t.name ) && ( t.name == 'link1' ) && ( e.which == 2 ) || ( e.which == 3 )) { alert('\nSorry right click has been disabled for this link!'); return false; } 
return true; 
<a name="link1" href="#"> Link One</a><br />
<a name="link2" href="#">Link Two</a>

If you have any question regarding this code! Just let me know about it... Enjoy

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