Good day everyone.....

I'm one of the new student in the web development.I have a problem here.I want to develop a website by using a Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.But, I don't know how to connect the registration form that have in the dreamweaver to the database.I am using EasyPHP software for database.Can anyone help me how to connect dreamweaver 8 to EasyPHP database?



no no... i think its author's name...

consider the second link its very useful to you...


Here is how to do it with CS3 Dreamweaver. I'm not sure if the wording will be exact for DW8 but it should be close.
If you haven't done so in dreamweaver, create a new site. (Site->New Site).
Click Advanced tab.
Under Local Info,
give it a name of localhost or something that you will know as the local testing server. Set the local root folder to your htdocs folder. (Possibly C:\EasyPHP\htdocs\)
Under Testing Server,
set the server model to PHP MySQL. Set the access to Local/Network. Set the testing server folder to your htdocs folder (Once again, Possibly C:\EasyPHP\htdocs\). Set the Url prefix to http://localhost/. Click Ok. Click Done.
When you want to test a script, just click Preview in Firefox or IE7 or whatever browser you want to test in. You'll have to make sure that Apache and MySQL are running prior to testing. This can easily be checked by looking in the Task Manager under processes.
Connecting to the database in dreamweaver is just like connecting to it any other way.

$DB_Server = "localhost";//your MySQL Server 
$DB_Username = "root";	//your MySQL User Name 
$DB_Password = "";	//your MySQL Password. Empty unless you've set one.
//create MySQL connection
$Connect = @mysql_connect($DB_Server, $DB_Username, $DB_Password)
	or die("Couldn't connect to MySQL" );

You should also be able to work directly with your dbs using phpmyadmin. Just type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ into the url of your browser.

Here is how to do it with CS3 Dreamweaver. I'm not sure if the wording will be exact for DW8 but it should be close.
If you haven't done so in dreamweaver, create a new site. (Site->New Site).
Click Advanced tab.
Under Local Info,
give it a name of localhost or something that you will know as the local testing server. Set the local root folder to your htdocs folder. (Possibly C:\EasyPHP\htdocs\)
Under Testing Server,
set the server model to PHP MySQL. Set the access to Local/Network. Set the testing server folder to your htdocs folder (Once again, Possibly C:\EasyPHP\htdocs\). Set the Url prefix to http://localhost/. Click Ok. Click Done.
When you want to test a script, just click Preview in Firefox or IE7 or whatever browser you want to test in. You'll have to make sure that Apache and MySQL are running prior to testing. This can easily be checked by looking in the Task Manager under processes.
Connecting to the database in dreamweaver is just like connecting to it any other way.

$DB_Server = "localhost";//your MySQL Server 
$DB_Username = "root";	//your MySQL User Name 
$DB_Password = "";	//your MySQL Password. Empty unless you've set one.
//create MySQL connection
$Connect = @mysql_connect($DB_Server, $DB_Username, $DB_Password)
	or die("Couldn't connect to MySQL" );

You should also be able to work directly with your dbs using phpmyadmin. Just type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ into the url of your browser.


I'm one of the new student in the web development.I have a problem here.I want to develop a website by using a Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.But, I don't know how to connect the registration form that have in the dreamweaver to the database.Can anyone help me how to connect dreamweaver 8 to database?

      $con = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password");
      if (!$con)
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
        mysql_select_db("dbname", $con);

try this one

why do you do buffering here?
I don't understand the concept behind :)

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